Composition II Research Writing

Final Portfolio Submission and Reflection Final Portfolio Submission and Reflection: Reflecting on Writing and Growth Throughout the Semester

As you know, there is no final exam in this course. Instead, your last major project is to prepare and submit a final portfolio that showcases your writing and what you’ve learned this semester. One of the underlying assumptions of this course has been that writing is a complex process that takes a lot of time, energy, and thought—as well as a willingness to take chances and rethink your work—to do well. Your final portfolio will illustrate this and your understanding of writing, reflection, and revision based on our conversations and activities this semester.
The purpose of this final portfolio is not only to reflect on all that you have learned about writing over the past fifteen to sixteen weeks but also to document your improvement, how your thinking has changed, how your approach to writing has evolved, and to show that you have successfully met the expectations outlined in the syllabus. Your goal is to compile a portfolio that includes a cover letter and your three final projects (e.g., review, annotated bibliography, and research paper), as well as your reading responses and any reflections. Your final portfolio should demonstrate your knowledge and indicate that you have attained the writing skills specified for this course:
be able to develop a topic and present ideas through writing in an organized, logical, and coherent form and in a style that is appropriate for the discipline and the situation.
be able to observe conventions of Standard English grammar, punctuation, spelling, and usage. 
be able to write a coherent analytical essay that considers the rhetorical situation and advances an effective argument.
be able to find, use, and cite relevant information.
Final Portfolio Components (in this order)
Minimum 1000-word double-spaced cover letter. 
Review Final Draft with Reflective Essay (if applicable)
Annotated Bibliography Final Draft with Reflective Essay (if applicable) 
Research Paper Final Draft with Reflective Essay (required)
Five Writing Responses on texts we read this semester, each titled using the following format: “Reflection on [reading title] by [author name]” (e.g. Reflection on “E Unibus Pluram: Television and U.S. Fiction” by David Foster Wallace)
Cover Letter
Your double-spaced cover letter should 1) include an intro with a thesis statement about your own writing and how it’s changed throughout the semester 2) discuss at least 3 of the writing skills above 3) discuss specific revision choices you made on each of the three major papers and why you made them 4) address places where your writing could have been stronger and how, and 5) include a conclusion that describes how you’ll apply your skills in the future and which class activities helped you the most (feel free to also mention which readings you found most interesting or beneficial)
Research Paper Final Reflection
This informal reflection should detail 1) your research and writing process 2) research/writing techniques that worked well during the process 3) research/writing techniques that did not work well 4) what the process taught you. This should be at least 250 words and appear after your research paper final draft.
Note: You will need to submit your final portfolio via Canvas as one document (.doc or .docx). Please let me know if you have questions regarding how to combine your documents.  
Due Date
Tuesday, May 7 by 11:59 PM
The only things that need to be done are the COVER LETTER (1000 words at least) and the Research Paper Final Reflection (At least 250 words)