Computer and info technology

The Impact of 5G on Mobile Commerce Introduction The advancement of technology has brought about significant changes in the way we live, work, and conduct business. One of the most recent technological developments that has the potential to revolutionize the business world

Select one topic from the list below and Review the rubric
AI bots in personal and corporate decision-making
Autonomous inventory & warehouse robots
AR (Augmented Reality) for interactive product visualization
5G impacts on mobile commerce
Optimizing city infrastructure with smart sensors
Drone-based food and retail delivery
Brain-computer interfaces 
Blockchain for supply chain transparency
Machine learning in financial forecasting
3D printing for on-demand production
Develop an essay of about (1000 to 1500 words) to
Concisely define your chosen technology and explain how it works. (be brief; Questions B, C, and D should be the focus of the content).  Please use sources that are as recent as possible as you describe the current state of your selected topic.
Analyze one hypothetical business use case over the next decade. Discuss potential benefits and challenges.
Describe possible effects on jobs, individual lifestyles, and wider society by 2030.
Develop one creative future scenario showcasing the technology and reflect on ethical implications.
Properly cite at least three credible sources following APA 7th edition guidelines.
How to format your essay
Use single-space, 12-point Arial font, 1-inch margin.
The document must be a Microsoft Word document. The title and reference pages are not counted in the word count. 
A page should have about 500 words. Your paper is about 2 to 3 pages long, excluding the title and references page. This means that the first page is your title page, the last page contains your references, and the middle 2 or 3 pages are your content. You can embed links to YouTube or external references if relevant to your discussion.
Write in complete sentences (as an essay), not just a list of bullet points. Your writing skills and understanding of the materials are assessed.    
Any matching content found by Turnitin will be flagged for plagiarism and subject to academic integrity sanctions. Response creativity and analytical quality are the priorities. Make sure to cite all references used following the APA guidelines. (see resources below)
Name your file with this convention:  FirstLast-CIT10-Topic.docx. For example lypham-CIT10-AI-bots.docx
There is no late submission or redo since this is a final exam.