Conformity and rebellion

“Conformity and Rebellion: Exploring the Intersection of Gender, Race, Culture, and Socioeconomic Division in Society”

Research Paper – A research paper is an in depth study of a specific and distinct topic organized into a thesis. It includes not only factual research from a wide variety of sources, but also the writer’s interpretation of that research. Throughout this short semester we have explored readings that focus on “conformity and rebellion” while also touching in topics such as gender, race, culture and socioeconomic division. Your task is to create an 8-10 page argumentative research paper that expands upon the general theme of conformity and rebellion and includes at least 5 readings discussed in class and at least 5 sources from the MCCC databases. Pick a Topic: Remember the purpose of this research paper is to persuade the reader to accept your opinion. Determine the focus of your argument. Make sure to select a topic that you are interested in and be practical. Chose a topic that is broad enough to be stimulating but narrow enough to be manageable. You may expand upon a previous paper topic or combine multiple paper topics into one argument.
Research: Do not underestimate the amount of time you will need for research. Your research provides the support for your entire paper. It is important to gather enough information to completely cover your topic. Do not rush through this process or it will reflect poorly on your paper. Keep a running list of your sources for your work cited page. You may wish to include the sources that you gathered in previous papers or research logs.
Outline: Once you complete your research, you need to organize it a put it into the format you want for your research paper. A great outline leads to a clear first draft.
Rough Draft: This step requires putting all of the work that you have done into complete sentences, adding your own interpretations/opinions and ensuring that your paper is unified. Introduction: Every research paper needs a well-crafted introduction. You want your readers to be intrigued by your topic and your stance on that topic. Write an introduction that grabs the reader and plots out the trajectory of your argument. Include your thesis and summarize the supporting points that you will make to prove your thesis. Your introduction for a paper this large may be more than one paragraph.
Body Paragraphs: Start with a strong topic sentence and summarize, analyze, explain and evaluate your information. Make sure to quote directly to every source included in your work cited page. Do not overlook the importance of transitions; logically connect sentences and paragraphs.
Conclusion: Give your paper a strong sense of closure.
Work Cited Page: Include all your sources in proper citation format. Remember that sources should be listed alphabetically.
Proofreading/Editing: Careful editing and proofreading is not something that can be done quickly. Make sure that you spend time checking grammar, punctuation and sentence structure. Use strong verbs and vary sentence length. Follow MLA standards. You are required to use e-tutoring or the learning center. Final Draft: Make sure that your paper is properly formatted and well written. Avoid plagiarizing any source material
***Do not leave this paper to the last minute. Start early and work gradually.  

Conformity and rebellion

“Breaking the Mold: Gender, Rebellion, and Conformity in Literature”

Essay 2
Last essay we analyzed the theme of rebellion and conformity. This essay is going to take that theme one step further. Determine how gender relates to rebellion and conformity. You may wish to consider traditional gender roles and how those roles have changed over time. In this unit we have read A Dolls House, “Story of an Hour,” “Girl” and “She Rose to His Requirement.” Your assignment is to unite at least two readings from this unit (one must be A Dolls House), along with two outside sources (from the databases). Create one original, fully developed 3-5 page essay, centered on the theme of conformity and rebellion. All sources must be fully analyzed, properly cited and help to bring depth to your paper. Document your sources using proper MLA style. Be sure to articulate a viewpoint or perspective in your paper.
Ultimately, what is the effect of conformity and rebellion on gender roles. A passing essay will:
Demonstrate an accurate understanding of all 4 texts
Interpret each text in relation to the question
Create a new idea that draws from the text (underline the thesis statement)
Select and discuss appropriate passages to support the interpretations and thesis
Show progression of though through its organization
Demonstrate clear boundaries between the literacy text and the essay writer’s own ideas