
“Sustainable Solutions: Reducing Electricity, Water, and Waste Usage on a Large Scale” Sustainable Solutions: Reducing Electricity, Water, and Waste Usage on a Large Scale Introduction As the world’s population continues to grow, the

This paper should be 3+pages long and must have at least 3 references cited. The majority of the paper must be written in your own words, and if you use any direct quotes, then they need to be cited as such, with quotation marks and the name of the source.
The topic is this: take these 3 subjects, 1. Electricty usage  2. Water usage 3. Garbage/Waste and propose ideas about how these topics could be reduced at a scale larger than one individual. Could a conservation effort like this work on a community, state, or national level? Give suggestions for how this would work and specific ideas for how it could be implemented. Your paper can contain some of your own ideas but should be primarily composed of referenced research from other sources.