Critical care Nursing

Title: “Improving Oral Care in Adult Critical Care Units: Evidence-based Recommendations and the Impact of Team Working Practices”

give a short presentation (<= 10 minutes).  Describe a recommendation and discuss the underlying evidence.  written assignment (maximum 800 words) with two parts: • PART ONE Summary of the presentation 3 articles (50% of the assignment). 400 words •  EXAMPLE ONLY BELOW IS  1. Summary For the summary, we need you to summarise your presentation in 400 words. This will inevitably be brief – but concise writing is a key academic (and professional) skill that is good to master. So for example: This paper will summarise the evidence underlying recommendations on oral care tools in the BACCN Evidence-based consensus paper for oral care within adult critical care units (BACCN, 2020). The BACCN paper presents new ideas on oral care using a new toothbrush created by Acme incorporated. This enables rapid and completely safe cleaning by having built in suction and bacteria removal. Nine studies have looked at the use of toothbrushes followed by the use of suction. Heck (2012) reported that the implementation of an oral care bundle decreased VAP rates significantly. However this was a retrospective analysis comparing like time periods and so does not conclusively demonstrate the oral care bundle decreased rates as there could have been other differences in practice between time periods. Smith and Jones (2015) carried out a 50 patient Randomised Controlled Trial (RCT) comparing X and Y techniques. Although an RCT is generally considered a good level of evidence (reference), the trial was small and did not have conclusive results. … etc In summary the evidence for choosing *** interventions for intensive care patients is (strong/moderate/weak – delete as appropriate).   PART TWO  A discussion of how team working practices could impact on the aspect of practice, for instance considering how to embed new clinical practice in their unit (50% of the assignment)    400 words THE USE OF THESES DEVICES something WE  currently doing on your unit you could discuss how to ensure everyone is following best practice. BUT  WE CAN DO  Communication – why is open communication important? How do you ensure good communication? You could also mention practical points, e.g. documentation. ( DATE place on equipemnt of when last changed so infection control can be observed . Safety culture is another important aspect of team working. Do members of the team feel safe to raise concerns?   The evidence underlying the recommendation must be discussed. This is to demonstrate you understand the level of evidence and you must discuss whether this is strong or weak.  We want you to demonstrate you understand the underlying evidence, but in the time available this will be only 3 which must be primary research . NB we are not asking you to review statistical tests – if an article says the results are statistically significant then you can accept this. You could also consider what problems are caused by poor team working – care quality suffers, burnout of staff members. This should be all be referenced. Look in the list of articles for the second practice presentations for some good starting points. 3. References (not included in word count)   Presentations with CASP tool  1. What is the topic?  2. What is the recommendation?  3. What is the evidence for this? i. Research article 1 a. Appraise the study  with CASP tool ii.Research article 2 a. Appraise the study with CASP tool iii. Research article 3 a. Appraise the study with CASP tool Evidence underlying the recommendations that must be discussed. This is to demonstrate you understand the level of evidence and you must discuss whether this is strong or weak.