Cultural Studies

“Fostering Growth Mindset in Struggling Learners: Supporting Dependent Students in Science Experiments”

Using the concept of a growth mindset, pretend you just ended a unit on the scientific method and the students had to do an experiment project and utilize the method to produce a presentation at the end. Several of the students struggled to understand independent and dependent variables and did not follow the control group guidelines in the experiment.
Getting students to Analysis their Success: How are you going to support dependent learners and build their intellective capacity to develop a growth mindset?
This assignment will be submitted to Turnitin™.
so please provide a report.

Cultural Studies

“Cultural Awareness in Healthcare: Lessons from YouTube Videos” In “Becoming a culturally competent nurse,” the speaker, a nurse and cultural competency trainer, discusses the importance of cultural competence in healthcare. She defines cultural competence as the ability to understand

Watch and summarize these Three of the four YouTube videos. In about 1.5 pages, summarize key lessons that raise your cultural awareness as a health professional. Where possible provide references for the authors and or institutions with which they are associated.

Becoming a culturally competent nurse.”

“Should we treat others the way we would like to be treated?” Where culture and Medicine Intersect

4. Challenges and Rewards of a culturally informed approach to mental health | Jessica Dere

Cultural Studies

Title: Building Cultural Competence in Healthcare Organizations: Best Practices and Assessment Strategies Annotated Bibliography: 1. Article: “Cultural Competence in Healthcare: A Review of Current Guidelines and Best Practices” by R. H. Betanc

Write a paper on assessment of cultural competence for healthcare organizations– Cultural Competence, cultural competence assessment, best practices to build cultural competence or any combination.
Part 1: From the above topical areas of cultural competence (preferrable for healthcare professionals), create a suitable title and find and annotate relevant journal articles.
Title of your paper.
Annotated bibliography (at least three articles) (total about 1.5 pages)
Part 2: Topics: Studies on Cultural Competence, cultural competence assessment, best practices to build cultural competence or any combination. (Continued from Part 1)
Cultural Competence-(about 4-5 pages excluding title and reference pages).
Title of your paper (from Part 1)
In about 250 words/half page double spaced provide a summary of the paper.
Body and conclusion

Cultural Studies

Title: Understanding the Importance of Research on Cross-Cultural/Diverse Communities’ Experiences with Grief: A Literature Review

Please use the sources provided to conduct a literature review explaining why it is important to conduct research on cross-cultural/diverse communities’ experiences with grief. Please be sure to use each resource provided and use page numbers for each in text citation for where you pulled the information you are citing. There is no need to search for additional resources.  In addition, on a separate sheet from the literature review, please include the measures used by each study. Thank you. 

Cultural Studies

“The Complexities of Grief: A Literature Review on Definitions, Types, and Cultural Differences”

Please use the sources provided to conduct a literature review defining what grief is, the different types of grief, and the difference between European grief and non-European grief. Please be sure to use each resource provided and use page numbers for each in text citation for where you pulled the information you are citing. There is no need to search for additional resources. “The varieties of the grief experience” and “Researching grief, cultural, relation, individual” are very important to guiding the lit review. In addition, on a separate sheet from the literature review, please include the measures used by each study. Thank you. 

Cultural Studies

Title: Exploring the Flavors of Filipino Food: A Virtual Tour of an Ethnic Food Store

Filipino Food
Research and identify at least two sources (from the text and/or library research page here) to gain some general background knowledge about this culture
Conduct a virtual tour of the ethnic food store of your chosen culture by visiting the website of an ethnic food store.
Prepare an illustrated essay with photographs, pictures, and/or drawings (should have written components such as an Introduction (background knowledge of the culture), analysis of the information collected in the food tour (questions posted below), and conclusion of 400–500 words).
Questions to guide your Ethnic Food Store Tour:
Provide a reference of the selected store including the name of the food store, and a link, to the ethnic food that you will be reviewing online.
Identify staple foods consumed by people from your selected ethnic origin that are sold in this food store and list at least five of these staple foods. Include pictures of these foods sold in your selected store.
Identify and describe at least 2 exotic food items sold in this food store that are used in the country of your choice that are unusual to the American food culture. Include pictures of these exotic foods sold in your selected store.
Describe traditional ingredients from the ethnic culture you are studying that are not native to your culture, but which have influenced your personal food habits and are used in your food preparation regularly.
What you need to turn in:
An illustrated Essay with an Introduction (Literature Review on background Information about the culture and their food practices, specialties), Research findings from the Ethnic Food Store (Discussion answering the questions listed above), and Conclusion (Summary of your findings, what you learned from this experience)
At least 2 cited sources and a list of your references at the end of your summary. You must follow APA or MLA citation methods for the bibliography and within the text.

Cultural Studies

Title: Grief, Mourning, and Bereavement in Diverse Communities: A Literature Review and Analysis

Please use the sources provided to conduct a literature review explaining what the process of grief, mourning, or bereavement looks like in diverse communities. Please highlight the specific values, traditions, and healing process among the diverse communities. Please be sure to use each resource provided and use page numbers for each in text citation for where you pulled the information you are citing. In addition, on a separate sheet from the literature review, please include the measures used by each study. Thank you. 

Cultural Studies

“The Pacific Islander Experience: Media, Power Dynamics, and Stereotypes”

There should be at least 3 – 5 main themes for the paper
Main theme title should be aligned: center
Every main theme should have 3 subthemes to support each main theme
Each subtheme should be indented (5 spaces). Each subtheme should be italized
Each subtheme should have 1-2 in text citations. Every in text citation must be listed in the bibliography.
Must have a conclusion
Must have a bibliography. Bibliography must on separate pages from the paper. Bibliography must be MLA or Chicago Manual of Style.
My chosen themes are Media, Power dynamics, Stereyotypes. My three sub themes for media are advertisng and marketing, alternative and independent media, and journalism and reporting. My three sub themes for power dynamics are colonial, legacies and imperialism, human rights and social justice, and political leadership and representation. And I have not figured out three sub themes for stereotypes so I need those. 
Also use the two documents i attached as well

From Sāmoa with Love? Sāmoan Travellers in Germany, 1895-1911: Retracing the Footsteps, by Safua Akeli.

Cultural Studies

“The Role of Government in Regulating Personal Choices: An Ethical and Legal Debate”

For this assessment, you are required to write an argumentative research essay that demonstrates your understanding of complex debates related to the chosen topic. Your essay should present a critical argument showcasing your comprehension of opposing viewpoints. The questions are designed to help you make connections between the different debates explored in the module.
The question: (Ethics and Law): 
To what extent should the government be involved in judging and influencing personal choices, for 
example gambling, using drugs or having an abortion? Support your answer with at least two of the 
following moral theories: natural law, divine command theory, utilitarianism, moral relativism, 
Kantian ethics.
Connect the different debates within your chosen topic. show how various perspectives interrelate and influence each other and present a well-reasoned and critical argument throughout your essay. 
Engage with the sources and provide thoughtful analysis rather than mere description 
Essay Structure: 
Introduction: The first paragraph of your essay will indicate its context and aim, define key terms and state your argument, indicate how you will answer the question and write a clear thesis statement. 
‘ this essay will argue that”
3 body paragraphs: develop your argument point by point, putting forward the reason that supports the argument you stated in your introduction. Each paragraph should have a very clear topic 
sentence that introduces the main idea of the paragraph. Ensure that each paragraph addresses 
the thesis statement 
Counterargument and rebuttal consider one counterargument, addressing potential objections or opposing viewpoints and a rebuttal to it. 
Conclusion: Summarise the reasons that support your argument, reminding the reader of what you 
have covered and how you have answered the question and restate your thesis in light of the
arguments presented 
Refrence 8 source:
2 lectures “A MUST” (I uploaded 3 but you should only reference 2 )
4 core readings that I will be uploading ” A MUST ” ( I uploaded 6 but you reference only 4 )
2 academic independent sources ( it is suggested to use them as examples in favour of your 
argument ) “A MUST”

Cultural Studies

Exploring the Origins of K-Rations Food Fables/Charts/Boxes: K-Rations – The Origins, Evolution, and Impact on Military Food Introduction Food is not just a source of nourishment, but also a reflection of cultural

Paper #3 – Food Fables/Charts/Boxes
For the third paper, I want you to explore one of the Food Fables/Charts/Boxes noted in the text more in depth.  Look at Page vi and vii in the text and select one of the Food Fables/Charts/Boxes to research.  Examples:  Where Winter Comes From, Who was Apicius?, Where the Cocktail Comes From, American Soldiers and WWII Food, Drunkeness Scale, Chile Pepper Heat Scale, Polish and Italian Food Words, Early Soft Drinks, K-Rations, etc.
Pick one of the Food Fables/Charts/Boxes, research more information about it.  Research may include the historical origin, the country and/or countries where the Fables/Charts/Boxes originate, recipes, etc.
The paper should be 2-3 pages long, double-spaced, 12-point font, include a single-spaced heading (name, Paper #3, Title – Food Fables/Charts/Boxes, Date, Course).  Do include any research citations and a reference page with the resources used in addition to the text. Feel free to reach out to me with any questions.  
BASED ON THIS BOOK: “Third Edition
Cuisine and Culture
Linda Civitello

Excerpt From: Linda Civitello. “Cuisine and Culture.”