Customer Relations for Managers

“The Impact of Social Media on Customer Loyalty and Retention: A Review of Three Recent Books”

Visit a website such as Amazon or Barnes and Noble and locate three recent books that discuss the effects of social media on customer loyalty and retention.
Prepare a one-page report summarizing three pieces of key information from each book. Often the websites have a section for each book that gives an overview or editorial review of the book that will provide the information you need. (Exceptional Customer Service: Online Research Activity Project 3.2 pg. 53 in text).
Be sure to include the book titles and authors’ names in your paper.
You should submit
A Word document containing your review of three books.
You must format your paper according to APA style.
The title page must have a header and page number. The Center of the title page has the title of the assignment, your name, and your college name. NO MORE!
Don’t forget the References page. If you list a reference, it must also appear as an in-text citation and vice versa. 9. Never use Works Cited on the References page. Use the word References.
Book for class:
The World of Customer Service, 3rd Edition.
By Pattie Gibson, Northern Arizona University
Copyright year: 2012

Customer Relations for Managers

Mystery Shopping Report and Presentation: Evaluating a Chosen Establishment from a Manager’s Perspective

(Part C of the final project)
Follow carefully the Instructions carefully. Complete & submit your report here.
Download the Mystery Shopping Questionnaire (Word document)
and go mystery shop at your chosen establishment. Remember that you are utilizing a manager’s or entrepreneur’s point of view and you are preparing to present a business report that your VP or CEO will likely see.
Utilizing the information gathered in the questionnaire, create …..
a one to two-page report in APA format summarizing your findings, with recommendations for improvement and/or recognition; whatever is applicable to the different areas of your assessment of the business.
a PowerPoint Presentation with a minimum of 8 slides, summarizing your findings. Include pictures if possible, do not write paragraphs, use bullets, and prepare a presentation as if you were presenting to the CEO and senior management team.
It is essential that you use business terms, correct grammar, and proofread your presentation and paper for errors. Check resources on how to create a good business PowerPoint presentation – remember you are a business professional.
Upload or submit here:
the completed questionnaire
one to two-page report
PowerPoint presentation
The stores that can’t be used are:
Dick’s Sporting Goods

Customer Relations for Managers

“Customer Service Policy Analysis: Examining the Effectiveness of [Company Name]’s Approach” Customer Service Policy Analysis: Examining the Effectiveness of Amazon’s Approach Introduction: In today’s competitive market, customer service has become a key differentiator

Pick a company and research its customer service policy, NOT return policy (this may part of the CS policy).                                      
If they do not have one in writing, call and ask what it is. Then post the policy and seek opinions from fellow students as to their experience with that company.  Do they walk the talk?

Customer Relations for Managers

Title: The Exceptional Customer Service of Nordstrom My best customer service experience was at Nordstrom, a high-end fashion retailer. I had purchased a pair of shoes that ended up being too small, and I needed to exchange them for a

Write two or three paragraphs on your best customer service experience and say what made it so.
Please place the name of the provider in the title, e.g., Best Buy, Nordstrom, American Express.
Include elements of verbal or nonverbal communication found in your textbook readings.