Data Analytics Applied In Psychology

Title: “Applying Organizational Psychology to Real-World Business Inquiries” Example of a real-world inquiry where z-scores could be used: Business leaders may be concerned about employee performance and want to identify top performers within their organization.

First, provide an example of a real-world inquiry business leaders or HR professionals might pose that an organizational psychology consultant could respond to by computing z-scores for individuals in a sample. Then, provide an example of such an inquiry that could be responded to by comparing a sample mean to a known population mean.  
Resources such as Harvard Business Review’s Human Resource Management section may spark some ideas if you’re having difficulty coming up with examples. You may also draw from your own experience as a consultant, researcher, and/or employee.
Link to Harvard Business Reviews:
Your responses to this discussion prompt should be approximately at least five full sentences. Your response must be clearly written with appropriate sentence structure, grammar, punctuation, and spelling. Your response should be insightful, thoughtful, and analytical.