Data commutation and infusturcter

Title: Eliminating AI-Generated Content: Ensuring Academic Integrity in Final Paper

This paper constitutes a significant portion of my final grade and serves as a pivotal writing assignment. The original document, which is attached herewith, requires substantial rephrasing and editing to eradicate any traces of AI or chat GPT. While the initial draft was praised as exemplary by my professor and deemed the best in the entire class, the presence of AI-generated content, as pointed out by the professor, constitutes plagiarism. Hence, it is imperative to meticulously revise the document to ensure its compliance with academic integrity standards.
My professor utilized the following resources to detect AI-generated text:
I acknowledge the magnitude of the task at hand and seek assistance in purging the document of any AI-generated content. Your expertise in highlighting such content and providing proper citations would be greatly appreciated.
In the words of my professor: “As it pertains to the assignment, there seems to be AI-generated text present in some sections of your work, either through paraphrasing or restructuring. Regardless, these elements must be removed before resubmission.”
Thank you.