
Title: Empathy in the Design Thinking Process: Solving a Real-World Scenario

Select one of the two scenarios from the attached document to use when responding to this task.
Choose one of the two provided scenarios. Use that case study to respond to parts A through F.
A.   Explain how to implement the process of empathy in the design thinking process in the chosen scenario, including any additional information to better understand the situation and from whom or where the needed information could be found.
B.   Summarize the problem that needs to be solved in your chosen scenario.
C.   Discuss two possible solutions to the stated problem.
C1.   Select one of the discussed solutions and explain why the selected solution is superior to the other discussed solution.
D.   Develop a low-fidelity prototype (i.e., outline, image, storyboard) with sufficient detail to effectively communicate the selected solution for testing, including all appropriate labels in your prototype.
E.   Describe, in detail, the steps required to implement the prototype.
E1.   Briefly explain how to know whether the prototype was potentially successful and include at least one potential limitation which may impact implementation of the prototype.
F.   Discuss one possible positive outcome and one possible negative outcome that could result from implementing the selected solution.
G.   Acknowledge sources, using in-text citations and references, for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized.