Dignity Liberty Equality and Fraternity The Histor

Title: “The Holocaust: A Defining Moment in the History of Human Rights in Europe”

Genocide is a defining feature of the 20th century in European history. First, describe the process of genocide, both its causes and its course. Second, describe the international community’s responses to genocide in the 20th Be sure to use specific examples.
Students will answer ONE of above prompts in an analytical essay between 4-5 double spaced pages.
Students are required to provide evidence-based arguments—not assertions—that critically engage with the course material (ie lectures and readings).
Papers will be evaluated according to four criteria:
Thesis: papers must have an evidence-driven analytical thesis.
Structure: papers must be structured in a logical fashion in which each paragraph works to advance this thesis.
Evidence: students must support their thesis with critical analysis of primary texts and reference to the textbook and lectures, when appropriate. There is no minimum requirement for the number of texts cited, but students’ should reference the scholarly course materials.
Style: papers must be written clearly and concisely, thoroughly proof-read and edited, and devoid of careless errors, beastly prose, and unlovely syntax.
Students should follow standard conventions of citation in the academic field of history. This means using footnotes.
Papers must be double-spaced with one-inch margins, 12 pt. Times New Roman or Arial font; contain a header with the student’s ID number; and be paginated throughout.
Find below one reflective essay prompt and respond to it in a 1-2 double-spaced pages.
You have been invited to a local high school’s European History AP class as a guesto speaker. Your job is to give a short lecture (25 or so minutes) on the history of human rights in Europe. Note that the time you have been given is not enough to provide a summary of the entire period; your task is not to recapitulate the entirety of HIS 126. Rather, it is to choose one particularly illuminating example of an event or process and explain why it is important. What event or process would you choose to discuss and why?

Dignity Liberty Equality and Fraternity The Histor

“The Expansion and Decline of Human Rights in the Long Nineteenth Century (1789-1914)”

-We have seen how over the course of the long nineteenth century (1789-1914) human rights institutions and language expanded. Central to this expansion was what historian Lynn Hunt called the “conceivability scale.” By this phrase Hunt meant that it became increasingly conceivable for more and more different people to claim rights. To whom did rights expand and why? We have also seen how this nascent human rights regime fell apart in the first half of the twentieth century. How did it fall apart and why? 
-Your essay must be formatted as following:
Standard 1” margins all the way around each page.
Text justified to the left.
12 pt, Times New Roman or Arial font. Please be sure to use the same font throughout the essays, including headers and footers.
Double-spaced with no extra space between paragraphs or sentencesYou are required to use the standard Chicago Manual of Style format for footnotes. A guide to the Chicago Style is provided here: 
You are not required to use materials outside of those assigned for the course. The assigned readings are more than sufficient.