
The Molecular Basis of Hormone-Receptor Interactions: A Review of Key Studies in Endocrinology Introduction Endocrinology is the study of hormones and their effects on the body, including how they are synthesized, processed, and interact with

A review paper of 8-12 pages (12pt, double-spaced, 1” margins) covering a topic discussed in the course. Some broad areas from which topics can be drawn: biochemistry of synthesis/processing and hormone-receptor interactions; molecular biology of hormone action and effects on gene expression; how endocrine dysfunction can affect behavior. The main goal will be to focus on 5-8 KEY primary papers that have strongly influenced the topic. You should also plan to place your review in the larger context of the course, relating sections to specific basic ideas and concepts we will have discussed. Pick an Endocrinology topic, refine it, and write the essay on that. 5-8 sources required.