English 1302

Title: “The Labyrinthine Narrative Structure of Frankenstein and its Impact on Themes and Characters”

By the time the characters of Safie and her family are introduced in Chapter XIV, it is clear that Frankenstein is a novel composed of narratives within narratives: Robert Walton is writing a letter to his sister in which Victor Frankenstein is narrating his creature’s narration of Safie’s story!
In your view, how does this labyrinthine narrative structure impact the novel’s commentary on one (or more) of its major themes or messages? Why do you think Mary Shelley constructs the story in this way? And what makes Safie’s story at all relevant to the conflict between Victor Frankenstein and his monstrous creation?

English 1302

Title: “The Power and Consequences of Invention and Creation in Frankenstein”

What do the concepts of “invention” and “creation” mean to Victor Frankenstein? Consider especially the way Frankenstein describes his schooling and his experiments into the nature of life and death – not to mention his creation of new life out of dead body parts soon thereafter. How do Frankenstein’s thoughts compare to Mary Shelley’s discussion of artistic invention in the Author’s Introduction?

English 1302

“From Dropout to Dean’s List: My Academic Journey”

Reflection Essay – Past, Present, Future
Writing Prompt:
For this assignment, you will create a 5-paragraph essay that includes an introduction paragraph with a thesis statement, three body paragraphs, and a conclusion paragraph. Consider what you were feeling/thinking when the semester began, how it proceeded and what your plans are going forward. What did you hope to learn, what did you want to get out of this course, how did you intend to accomplish the goals you set in mind – This is the past you will discuss. Did you succeed at your goal, did everything go as planned/expected, were there surprises, obstacles, challenges? – This is the present. Lastly, what do you intend to do different going forward, have you enrolled in the next semester, do you know what you can do for a “better” term next year, what needs to change, what works so why fix it? – This is the future. This essay is geared toward your academic career specifically not your life in general. Concentrate your discussion on this course, but you are free to mention other courses, but they are not the focus.
Guidelines for a successful Essay:
Three full pages
Times Roman 12-point font
Double spaced
Proper MLA format heading
A strong thesis statement that outlines what the paper will discuss.
Proper formatting for a 5-paragraph essay.
Few to no grammatical/spelling errors.
Im A Student
The Final Charge
I am a high school drop out. That’s not to say I disliked school or learning. In fact, I loved both. I just got bored and decided my time would be better served elsewhere so I took it and myself – elsewhere. However, at some point, I decided a paper hat and “Welcome to McDonald’s” was not the life for me so I enrolled in college and began my journey. The thing is, I didn’t have anyone to guide that journey. My parents earned a midclass living, but they did so in a world that didn’t require a sheepskin paper to earn it. So, I had to figure it out all on my own. I entered campus that first day with great trepidation. I was ready. My backpack was full. My pens were colored. My note pads were coordinated by class. Inside I was a mess though. I couldn’t find buildings. I couldn’t find rooms. “I couldn’t” was becoming the key word, but I was determined. I had to change the narrative. I had a plan. I was what I had always been – dean’s list material. I dropped out of high school, sure, but I did it as a straight A student. Attending college was not going to defeat me. Even though the beginning was a bit shaky, I found my way somewhere in the middle, and the end was as colorful and grand as I had imagined it would be.