English and history

The Impact of Racism on the Lives of Slaves and Freedmen in America Title: The Impact of Racism on Political, Social, and Economic Opportunities in America’s History

5-6 Page Essay, Double Spaced,  MLA format.
My Annotated Bibliography and Outline
Junior Project Annotated Bibliography
I need quotes from all of the sources
Thesis: The history of racism in America is because of how the people viewed slaves and freedmen, this caused differences in their political, social, and economic opportunities. 
Twain, Mark, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, New York, Barnes & Noble, 2015 
Twain, Mark. The adventures of huckleberry Finn. California
Summary: Huckleberry Finn is a book that Mark Twain wrote It is about a boy named Huck who faked his death to get away from his abusive father. While he is on the run he runs into a slave named Jim that belonged to the widow that he lived with. They went on the run together to try and find Jim’s wife and kids. 
Analysis: In the beginning of the book Jim was just looked at differently because he was a black slave. But as time went on and Jim and Huck were on the run together Huck realized that he is just a normal person and has feelings like everyone else has. 
Chopin, Kate. “Desiree Baby”, Accessed 10 May 2023
Summary: There was a baby left on a doorstep and she grew up and married a man who fell in love with her at first sight. They had a kid together then realized it was a different race and the husband did not like that, Desiree and the baby leave and she kills herself and the baby. 
Analysis: The husband was racist toward her and this also hints that he is having an affair with one of his slaves, but all this time he was the one who was black. 
“Slavery in America” Accessed 13 May 2024
Summary: This article talks about how slavery began how slaves were brought to America and how slavery evolved from then to now. It also shows how slavery affected the economy. 
Analysis: This helps me prove that black people were kept as slaves not just because of money, but also because of racism. People believed that black people were different, and that is the reason why they looked and treated them lower, even after slavery ended. 
“The Freedmen”,other%20resources%2C%20such%20as%20money 
Summary: The Freedmen faced a lot of challenges such as economic problems, hostility, limited education, and very few resources. At this time they demanded civil rights, voting rights, family, and education. Analysis: This proves that even after the freedmen were free from slavery they still were looked at differently and harder for them to live life like a normal person. The white people were also hostile towards them and faced difficulties with just about everything. 
The Bible, New Living Translation, NLT Thinline Reference, Tyndale Houson Publisher, 2020
Summary: The Bible is a text that explains the story of God’s creation of the world, it talks about how he made everything in the world. There are 66 books in the Bible full of stories and lessons that help us understand what God wants us to do. 
“Born in Slavery”
Summary: There are plenty of Narratives written by slaves who were born into slavery. This can also show the diaries that they have been writing at this time.
Analysis: The text shows their point of view on their lives and how they lived through actual narratives and diaries that they have written themselves. This helps me prove my point that they were treated wrong during the creation of America. 
Intro:  Through many years of the creation of  America,  the views of the slaves and freedmen have been influenced by systemic racism. This leads to unequal and unfair opportunities in politics, economics, and even social situations.
Thesis: The history of racism in America is because of how the people viewed slaves and freedmen, this caused differences in their political, social, and economic opportunities. 
Paragraph 1
Main point 1:. (Political)
Supporting details: Denial of Violating Rights
Supporting details: Lack of Political Representation
The point from bibliography: From “The Freedmen” 
Paragraph 2
Main point (Social point)
Supporting details: Segregation
Supporting details: Stereotyping and Dehumanization
The point from bibliography: Kate Chopins story “Desirees Baby” 
Paragraph 3
Main point (economic) 
Supporting details: Limited Job Opportunities
Supporting details: Exploitation of Labor
Point from bibliography: “Slavery In America” on
Paragraph 4
Main point Systematic racism is also shown in literature (shown in literature) 
Supporting details: Huckleberry Finn
Supporting details: Huck didn’t think that Jim had feelings like a regular person just because he was black
Point from bibliography: This book shows systematic racism against the character Jim who is a runaway slave, it also proves my point that is also shown in literature at this time. 
Revisit thesis: The history of racism that took place in America was started by how people vied slaves and freedmen causing differences in their political, social, and economic opportunities
So now what, concluding statement:

English and history

Title: The Evolution of the Little Paper Family: A Five-Year Analysis of a Deaf School Newspaper Introduction: The Little Paper Family (LPF) was a groundbreaking newspaper created by deaf pupils working in a print shop, as seen in the

Below is a picture of deaf pupils working in a print shop. The school newspapers that they created would eventually be called the Little Paper Family. 
Choose one (1) newspaper from the LPF. Once you choose a newspaper, then choose a five (5) year period and begin reading. Your assignment is to write a paper describing what you’ve found. You can choose to organize your paper in many different ways. You can focus on one or more aspects of the paper (sports, education, Deaf community, advertisements, etc.). Write a summary of what you’ve found, what surprised you, and what was most interesting. 
Your paper should be:
Seven (7) pages
One inch margins
New Times Roman
Spell and grammar checked
Cited properly
Cover page (is not counted towards the total page requirements)

English and history

Title: “The Complex Character of Ruben Stone: An Analysis of the Film ‘Sound of Metal'” Thesis Statement: In the film “Sound of Metal,” Ruben Stone’s journey through deafness and addiction reveals his internal struggles and

requirements : five pages. double spaced, 12 font, and 1 inch margins
analysis : 3 pages to analysis (character analysis :: RUBEN STONE ) the film and two pages 
summarize the film
must include thesis statement.