
“Expressing Gratitude: A Thank You Letter to My School and Its Leaders”

I woild like you to write a thank you letter to a particular school that I work for a year as a subsitute teacher. In the letter please express great graduatte for the assitant principle and principle and also greatful for working with this school and the special needs student population. Please make this letter very tuching.. Thank you


Title: “The Impact of Divorce on Children: A News Analysis”

I copied and pasted the instructions for the assignment below. I also attached a word file with the chapter you are to use for the assignment. Pick any news article you deem is best for the assignment. 
News Analysis
50 points
2-page maximum
Based on what you read in a particular chapter of Galvin et al., find a family-related news story (from a
credible news source) and provide a summary of the article, tying it to specific concepts and at least one theory
from the chapter.
Also provide your own critique of the story – do they have sound evidence for claims? Do they align
with what you have learned? Is it relevant to all types of families? Please upload your brief paper to the
designated dropbox by one of the turquoise high-lighted deadlines in the syllabus.
As part of this assignment, please post a brief summary of your news story to the News Analysis
Discussion Forum for others to benefit from and potentially comment on. Please let me know if you have any


“The Impact of Internal Migration and Immigration on the Development of Regional Identities in the United States”

For your Discussion Board post, consider the development of different regions in the United States: North, South, East, and West. Discuss how internal migration (i.e., moving west for opportunity, or moving from south to north for freedom) and immigration (coming to America) affected and shaped these regions. Think about the following for your response:
Way of life
Feel free to bring in personal perspectives based on where you live.


“The Impact of the Emancipation Proclamation on African Americans: An Analysis of Frederick Douglass’ Response” The Emancipation Proclamation, issued by President Abraham Lincoln on January 1, 1863, was a pivotal moment in American

These will be based on one primary source document of your choosing from Chapters 11-12 found in the documents reader, For the Record. (A primary source is something generated at or near the time of the event under examination.) The primary source document will be followed by Review Questions. Use those questions to guide your prose essay response. Do not simply respond with bulleted or numbered answers. Again, the expectation for this assignment is college-level analysis and writing, No Al!! Make sure you have all the appropriate citations and works cited. Include an accurate word count at the end of the essay that does NOT include footnotes or works cited. After carefully prootreading and checking that the word count is a minimum of 300 words.
Text required: For the Record: a
Documentary History (8th Edition Vol. 1) by David E. Shi and Holly A. Mayer


Title: Cultural and Spiritual Assessment of a Patient: Utilizing the ETHNIC and HOPE Tools

Perform a cultural assessment ON A PERSON/PATIENT using the ETHNIC mnemonic discussed in the reading and a spiritual assessment using the HOPE Approach to Spiritual Assessment or the FICA tool.
(See FICA and HOPE tools attached. Rubric is also attached).
Cite all sources in APA format.


“Exploring Developmental Stages and Constructs: A Research Paper on Human Development in Middle Adulthood” Title: Understanding the Impact of Early Adversity on Child Psychopathology: A Review of Developmental Science Literature “Advancements in Implementation Science for Child Psychology and Psychiatry: A Critical Review”

Research Paper Assignment Guide
The Research Paper assignment is designed to integrate your developing skills in self-reflection, scientific knowledge, awareness of research methods, and critical thinking, as they relate to the field of developmental psychology. You may find that your topic for the Research Paper is related to your focus in the Autobiographical Developmental Essay (e.g., you may choose to focus on the same or similar developmental stage) and/or the Theory Essay (e.g., you may choose to explore more of the theories you discussed). You may also wish to tackle a completely new developmental stage and/or topic, and that is just fine! The important part of selecting your focus for this assignment is that you follow your own natural curiosity about the human condition.
Your Research Paper should be at least 1000 words double-spaced (the last page will be your references page which does not count towards your word count)using 12-point font and 1-inch margins. You must incorporate at least 3 peer-reviewed journal articles as sources, in addition to your textbook.
Ensure that you are up to date on your reading assignments for the course (through Chapters 15 and 16, Middle Adulthood).
Review key characteristics of each major developmental stage to help with your focus for the paper.
Reflect on the major area of development in which you are most interested (e.g., physical, cognitive, social, emotional).
To complete this assignment you will:
Step 1: Select one of the major developmental periods you have studied thus far in the course: infancy, early childhood, middle childhood, adolescence, early adulthood, or middle adulthood. 
Step 2: Select a phenomenon or construct that features prominently in your chosen developmental stage. The construct should reflect one or more of the major areas of human development (physical, cognitive, social, emotional). For instance, if you are focusing on adolescence, perhaps you select the construct of egocentrism, which includes both cognitive and social components.
Step 3: Review the section(s) of the Santrock text that are relevant to your developmental stage and construct.
Step 4: Prepare a research paper that addresses the following: 
Step 4.1: Describe, in detail, the developmental stage you are focusing on for this research paper. You should briefly review the major developmental tasks of this stage as they pertain to physical, cognitive, social, and emotional development. 
Step 4.2: Describe, in detail, your selected construct of interest. Be sure to define the construct and discuss its relevance during your selected stage of development. If the construct first appears earlier in development, or somehow changes with development across various stages, you will need to discuss how the construct changes over time. 
Step 4.3: Pick at least one theory that helps to explain the relevance of your construct to your chosen developmental stage. Explain the theory and its application to your construct and stage.
Step 4.4: From the available 12 peer-reviewed journal articles, select and read at least 3 peer-reviewed journal articles that have some relevance to your topic and/or proposed study. Some articles may contribute information about your topic of study, or they may contribute information about research methods that could be applied to your specific topic of study. You are not required to understand or discuss the statistics involved in these articles, but you should be able to glean some information from the articles with relevance to your topic or proposed methods.
Step 4.5: Now, consider yourself a scientist. Imagine you can conduct any study you like about this construct in your chosen developmental stage. Put forth at least 1 research question, and describe the method(s) you would use to collect the data (e.g., observational, survey/interview, standardized test, case study, physiological measures). Explain what type of study design you would use (e.g., descriptive, correlational, experimental). What is your hypothesis about what the results of the study will be? Why would this study be important to conduct, and how might it contribute to new knowledge in this area of developmental science? 
Step 4.6: Prepare a references page that lists each of your sources in APA style. Note that you will need to list your textbook as well as each of your 3 peer-reviewed journal articles. The References page will be the last page of your research paper.
(should include 3 articles and Santrock text)
Conrod, P. J., & Nikolaou, K. (2016). Annual Research Review: On the developmental neuropsychology of substance use disorders. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 57, 371-394.
Dirks, M. A., De Los Reyes, A., Briggs-Gowan, M., Cella, D., & Wakschlag, L. S. (2012). Annual Research Review: Embracing not erasing contextual variability in children’s behavior – theory and utility in the selection and use of methods and informants in developmental psychopathology. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 53, 558-574.,%20De%20Los%20Reyes,%20Briggs-Gowan,%20Cella,%20&%20Wakschlag%20(2012).pdf
Glenn, C. R., Kleiman, E. M., Kellerman, J., Pollak, O., Cha, C. B., Esposito, E. C., Porter, A. C., Wyman, P. A., & Boatman, A. E. (2020). Annual Research Review: A meta-analytic review of worldwide suicide rates in adolescents. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 61, 294-308.
Koss, J. J., & Gunnar, M. R. (2018). Annual Research Review: Early adversity, the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenocortical axis, and child psychopathology. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 59, 327-346.
Lau, J. Y. F., & Waters, A. M. (2017). Annual Research Review: An expanded account of information-processing mechanisms in risk for child and adolescent anxiety and depression. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 58, 387-407.
Mandy, W., & Lai, M-C. (2016). Annual Research Review: The role of the environment in the developmental psychopathology of autism spectrum condition.Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 57, 271-292.
McAdams, T. A., Cheesman, R., & Ahmadzadeh, Y. I. (2023). Annual Research Review: Towards a deeper understanding of nature and nurture: combining family-based quasi-experimental methods with genomic data. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 64, 693-707.
Newlove-Delgado, T., Russell, A. E., Mathews, F., Cross, L., Bryant, E., Gudka, R., Ukoumunne, O. C., & Ford, T. J. (2023). Annual Research Review: The impact of Covid-19 on psychopathology in children and young people worldwide: Systematic review of studies with pre- and within-pandemic data. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 64, 611-640.
Odgers, C. L., & Jensen, M. R. (2020). Annual Research Review: Adolescent mental health in the digital age: facts, fears, and future directions. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 61, 336-348.
Russell, M. A., & Gajos, J. M. (2020). Annual Research Review: Ecological momentary assessment studies in child psychology and psychiatry. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 61, 376-394.
Santrock, J. W. (2023). Life-Span Development (19th ed.). McGraw-Hill Higher Education (US).
Thomas, M. S. C., Ansari, D., & Knowland, V. C. P. (2019). Annual Research Review: Educational neuroscience: progress and prospects.Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 57, 477-492.
Williams, N. J., & Beidas, R. S. (2019). Annual Research Review: The state of implementation science in child psychology and psychiatry: a review and suggestions to advance the field. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 60, 430-450.
Last modified: Monday, July 31, 2023, 7:43 AM


Formal Report: Business Idea Analysis and Customer Insights for XYZ Company

Assignment #8 Instructions:
Write a Formal Report: The report should be 5 to 10 pages long, including all appendices.
Components to Include:
Cover Page and Table of Contents: Ensure these are professionally formatted.
Business Description: A general overview of your business idea or project.
Business Model Canvas: Attach a copy of your BMC or BMyou canvas.
Customer Details: Include at least one Customer Persona and one Customer Profile Canvas (CPC), based on customer interviews.
Provide all relevant materials such as:
Lists of interview questions.
Photos or figures of Post-it notes from brainstorming.
Graphics or photos of any canvases you created.
Websites, surveys, or other relevant materials.
The report must be free from grammatical, punctuation, or spelling errors.
Integrate findings from previous assignments such as networking events, your Purpose Statement, and feedback from your Opportunity Presentation.
Apply Design Thinking tools and methods.
Outline next steps for the project, if any.


“Developing a Comprehensive Business Model: Integrating Design Thinking and Customer Feedback”

You will be working on an academic assignment which is a culmination of a series of tasks focused on developing a business model. This final assignment is significant and carries a portion of the overall grade. Here is what it entails and what is expected of you:
1. Formal Report: Prepare a report approximately 5 to 10 pages long, inclusive of appendices. The report must adhere to a professional format including a cover page, and table of contents, and should be error-free in terms of grammar, punctuation, and spelling.
2. Components:
– A general description of the business idea or project.
– A copy of the Business Model Canvas (BMC) or Business Model You (BMyou).
– Customer Personas and Customer Profile Canvas based on previous interviews.
3. Appendices: Include relevant documentation like interview questions, photos of Post-it notes from brainstorming sessions, and other materials created during the process.
4. Integration of Previous Assignments: The report should incorporate findings and developments from prior assignments such as the Purpose Statement, networking events that expanded your social capital, and the in-class public speaking opportunity where you presented your business idea.
5. Application of Tools and Methods**: Utilize Design Thinking tools and the Double Diamond process model to refine the BMC or BMyou canvas. Ensure you include customer feedback and profiles.
6. Next Steps: Outline potential future actions regarding the project, even if they are tentative.
This assignment requires a synthesis of creative thinking, analytical skills, and meticulous documentation. It is your opportunity to showcase your comprehensive understanding of the business model development process.

Please let me know if you need this broken down further or if you have any specific areas you would like to emphasize.


“Strategic Plan for [Organization Name]: Achieving Success through Vision, Mission, and Goals”

Title Page: Title of Plan with logo, name of organization and contact information e.g., address, email and phone #.
Table of contents. Table of contents with page #.
Executive Summary: A quick overview of your plan and entices investors to read more of your plan.
Company Vision and Mission Statement: Vision is a short statement, carefully constructed which tells outside agencies what you really, really, really want to be and Mission statements are what the term implies – a statement about the reason for your (please see document “strategic planning for dummies”).
Values: using written words to express those beliefs which you expect members of your organization and the organization as a whole to uphold.
SWOT Analysis: a 360-degree scan, a reconnaissance, a bit of a sticky beak at what’s going on. They all involve appraising the status quo as a predicate to determining planning goals and setting developmental priorities.
Major Goals – Strategy and Implementation: Major goals and strategies are broad overarching aspirations that should be consistent with your vision and mission statements.
Financial Plan: A complete set of forecasts including a Profit & Loss Statement, and Balance Sheet for first 3 years of business.
Evaluation-Key Performance Indicators (SMART KPIs): a strategic plan needs to describe how evaluation will be completed. key performance indicators that are M.A.R.T. – Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Timely, making the vision more concrete by defining how success is measured.


“Quantifying the Value of Our Product: A Comparison of Current and Potential States”

answer the questions from step 8 our idea is on a slide but the comment i got from profeesor is (When quantifying the value of your product, it is essential to clearly show what exactly you are offering to your customers in a measurable format. It is very important to present this information in a diagram that clearly compares the current state (as is) and the potential state (to be) after using your product.)