
“Building Your Dream: A Guide to Achieving Financial Success in Canada”

Attached is files needed to complete the assignment! The book they are referring to is called Building Your Dream (canadian edition) 


Title: “Innovative Solutions: Solving Customer Problems with a Unique Business Idea”

Create a PowerPoint with voice-over narration (or alternative). Your presentation should be 3 to 5 minutes in length and consist of 3–5 slides. It should document the idea, its value and uniqueness, and what problem it solves or the need it meets.
The presentation should address the following main elements:
Description of your business idea
Value and uniqueness of your business idea
Customer problem that your business idea solves
Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria:
Include all of the main elements and requirements.
Explore multiple issues through extensive collection and in-depth analysis of evidence to make informed conclusions.
The presentation is organized in a logical way that complements the central theme.
Transitions are well-paced to create a natural and engaging flow.
Critical Thinking
Demonstrate a comprehensive exploration of issues and ideas before accepting or forming an opinion or conclusion.
Visual Appeal
There is a consistent visual theme that helps enhance the understanding of the ideas.
Include multiple types of media.
Narration (Writing/Audio)
The audio is clearly recorded.
Mechanics and style ensure clarity.
Incorporate multiple properly cited scholarly resources.
What to Submit
Submit a presentation slideshow approximately 3–5 minutes in length. The presentation should include 3–5 PowerPoint slides with voice-over narration (or alternative software). When applicable, sources should be cited according to APA style. (There is no requirement to show video during the presentation, but audio is required.)


Title: The Role of Corporate Social Responsibility in Entrepreneurial Ventures: A Case Study Analysis

Exercise Content The objective of this assignment is to explore and analyze the role of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in entrepreneurial ventures. Assignment Components: 
Select an Entrepreneurial Venture: Each student is required to choose a specific entrepreneurial venture. It could be a startup, a small business, or a notable entrepreneur who has demonstrated a commitment to CSR.
Background Research: Conduct thorough research on the selected entrepreneurial venture. Gather information on the company’s history, mission, values, and any existing CSR initiatives. Look for relevant news articles, press releases, and the company’s official CSR reports if available.
CSR Analysis: Analyze the CSR initiatives undertaken by the entrepreneurial venture. Identify the social and environmental issues addressed, the strategies employed, and the impact of these initiatives on both the community and the business
Comparison with Competitors: Compare the CSR practices of the selected entrepreneurial venture with those of its competitors in the industry. Assess how CSR contributes to the competitive advantage and differentiation of the business.Challenges and Opportunities:Discuss the challenges faced by the entrepreneurial venture in implementing CSR initiatives and any opportunities that have arisen as a result. Consider the long-term benefits and potential risks associated with CSR.
Recommendations: Based on the analysis, provide recommendations for enhancing or expanding the CSR efforts of the entrepreneurial venture. Consider innovative approaches and potential collaborations with stakeholders.
Write a minimum 2-page paper discussing the learnings from the assignment. 
Reflect on the importance of CSR in entrepreneurial ventures and its implications for the broader business landscape.
Assessment Criteria:The assignment will be assessed based on the depth of research, analysis, creativity in recommendations, clarity of presentation, and the overall understanding of the role of CSR in entrepreneurial ventures.This assignment encourages students to critically examine the relationship between entrepreneurship and social responsibility, fostering a deeper understanding of the ethical considerations and positive impacts that can result from integrating CSR into business practices.
Use APA 7 Format and list your references.


Title: “Solving the Dilemma of Food Waste and Healthy Eating with Pre-Portioned Meal Kits” Ladies and gentlemen, have you ever found yourself struggling to make healthy meals at home? Or perhaps you’ve experienced the frustration of

Write a 2-minute speech describing the solution of pre-portioned meal kits with locally sourced ingredients, ched-created recipes for various diets and eco friendly packaging to the given problem space (food waste and the
trouble of making healthy meals)   using the final VPC (8-10 items in each section).
Use the files attached to make the speech. 


“Creating a Sustainable Business Model for XYZ Company”

Using the attached Company Description and assignment instructions please complete a business model. use the attached grading rubric to ensure all requirements are met.


Title: “From Idea to Reality: The Journey of Developing a 24-Hour Fitness Gym Franchise”

Your 4-6 page report articulates your entrepreneurial solution, as well as chronicles your journey in developing it.  It will also contain an assessment of the entrepreneurial solution and  personal reflection on what you have learned in the course. Please use the Final Project Template. Your Final Project is worth 15% of your final grade and should include:
Specification Sheet (1 – 1.5 pages): Really describe your entrepreneurial solution. 
What were the initial products and services you would offer? What are the features? In other words, what is it you are selling? 
Who are are you selling it to? Why do you think this makes sense based on your primary and secondary research?
What is the value proposition for your idea? 
Assessment Report (1 – 1.5 pages)
How did your solution evolve? How has your products services changed? How has your value propostion changed?
What findings from the VPC impacted your idea? How did this information change your solution?
What did you learn from looking at the competition and substitute products? From looking at what already exists, how are they similar to your idea? What seems to be your point of difference?
Based upon what you know so far, to what extent do you think your entrepreneurial solution is an entrepreneurial opportunity worth pursuing? Why or why not?
What would you research next?
Reflection on Your Entrepreneurial Mindset and Process(2 – 3 pages)
Refer back to your earlier homework assignments. For full credit, please name the course materials  and specific assignments/class activities.
How has your mindset and/or way of thinking changed throughout the semester?  
Have any of your entrepreneurial goals or priorities shifted?
How about your ideas and attitudes about risk? 
Looking to the future, are there things that you want to challenge yourself with? Relax about? 
Name three class activities and/or course materials and/or assignments that were particularly impactful in shaping your entrepreneurial mindset. Share why you found them helpful.
What are three things you learned from the course?
What are ways you plan to continue developing your entrepreneurial mindset? 
Anything else you want to share?
My Idea :
– 24-hour fitness gym franchise that has different membership offers and offers as well wokrout classes ( Yoga, Pilates, Boxing , Spinning etc.)
Starting in New York ( big cities in the US)


“Exploring the Global Semiconductor Industry: An Analysis Using PESTLE and Eco-Innovation Models”
must include several models such as pestle analysis, eco innovation dashboard etc.
Current Reference List:
Bown, C.P. (2020). How the United States Marched the Semiconductor Industry into Its Trade War with China. East Asian Economic Review, 24(4), pp.349–388. doi:
Clark, L., Gibson, M. and Signorino, I. (2023). 2023 KPMG Global Semiconductor Industry Outlook. [online] KPMG. Available at:
IBISWorld (2023). Global Semiconductor & Electronic Parts Manufacturing – Market Size, Industry Analysis, Trends and Forecasts (2024-2029). [online] Available at:
R. V. Velasco, O. (2024). Neo-Mercantilism in The Semiconductor Industry: The Chinese Strategy. Asian Journal of Engineering, Social and Health, 3(3), pp.586–601.
Stanford University News Service (1996). Can computer chip makers reduce environmental impact? [online] Available at:


“The Art of Entrepreneurship: Navigating the Journey of Innovation and Success” Introduction Entrepreneurship is often described as the process of creating and managing a business venture in order to achieve financial success and make a positive impact on society.

Free style means that I am not providing an outline. You can create your own structure for the essay. The style is APA. 
This is a free writing style paper. The Essay must be related to entrepreneurship. Minimum of five pages to a maximum of 12 pages, double space, and font 12pt Times New Roman. You must use headings and subheadings to structure and organize your essay.
You must use the proper APA 7ed in-text citation and reference style. 


Title: “Revolutionizing Industrial Machinery: A Business Canvas Analysis for a Startup Manufacturing Company”

Create a fictional business canvas analysis for a startup company.
The business should manufacture parts for industrial machinery, thats the startup idea.
I also uploaded the task file which tells you what should you include in the paper, as well as 2 samples. The samples are written by teams, thats why they are 6000+ words, you only have to do 2600-3000 words as this is an individual work.
Important: Please upload every single file also separately which you use in the paper (excel, picures, the business canvas, validation etc)
Use at least 1 academic work source!


Title: Case Study Analysis: Altes Original Detroit Lager

Case 7, Pages 660 (Appendix)
Please only bid on the assignment if you have access to the book.
Read the Case Study entitled, ‘Altes Original Detroit Lager’ on page 660 (Appendix). Then, answer all parts of questions 1, 2, and 3 at the end of the case.
I selected the most applicable cases for the class. Please be sure to back up your answers with facts from the textbook.
Please number each of your answers (1, 2, and 3). This is very important so that I understand which questions you are responding to.
Please submit the Case Assignment in APA Format (cite your sources and list your references).
Please number each of your answers (1, 2, and 3). This is very important so that I understand which questions you are responding to.
Please upload answers in a Word document by clicking on Week 2 Case Assignment (above) and then Browse My Computer to select your assignment to upload. Be sure to hit SUBMIT. This assignment must be submitted by Sunday 11:59 PM.
Case Assignment Grading Criteria:
Thoroughly answered all of the questions: 60 points possible
References to course material: 20 points possible
Spelling/Grammar at the college level: 20 points possible