Environments of the BVI

“Reviving the Flamingo: Conservation and Preservation Efforts in the British Virgin Islands”

These research papers should be no longer than five (5) pages excluding references
The flamingo was a bird that was once commonly found in the British Virgin Islands (BVI), but had pretty much gone extinct. Conservation and preservation efforts were made by National Parks Trust and several affluent benefactors to restore this fauna to BVI ecology. Write a research highlighting the following:
a brief description of the species;
a brief history on the existence of the flamingo prior to its “re-introduction”; and
the detailed efforts undertaken by all stakeholders to re-introducing the flamingo.
Project guidelines
Topic: Please give your research paper an appropriate and succinct topic that will give the reader an idea of what your paper is about.
Introduction: This will include the following:
Background information: This section should provide cited background/historical information pertinent to your research topic.
Problem statement: This is a sentence or two that addresses the reason for the research.
Research Scope: Similar to a thesis statement, this addresses the main points that will be presented
in your research paper.
c. Methods: This section will describe how your information for the research paper was/will be collected. Please be as clear and specific as possible. i.e. if you researched information at the LRC, indicate how you did that, what books/articles you read etc. Ensure you include interview questions should you plan to conduct any. This should be in paragraph format, use guiding questions in the Research Do’s and Don’ts document to assist you.)
d. References: (generate of list of sources [min. 3, only 1 webpage allowed]).
Font: 12 pt, 1.5 spaced
the paper should adequately present information on the assigned topic and should include additional/supporting information that will help frame the paper. Please note the length and font requirements for your paper. Pictures should be embedded within the document and should be appropriately labelled and referred to in the body of your paper.
Expected Format (Only your reference page needs to have a heading)
1. Cover Page – include your name, date, course, instructor’s name, project topic. 2. Introduction
3. Content/ Body of research paper 4. References
ensure all research information involves the british virgi islands (TORTOLA)