Evolutionary Psychology

Title: The Adaptive Value of Fear: An Evolutionary Perspective

Choose one “negative” emotion (for example, disgust, anger, or fear). How might this motivational system have solved adaptive challenge(s) for our ancestors?
What evidence suggests that it is an adaptation (i.e., specifically designed by natural selection to serve a function) and not a byproduct? That is, can you point to features of the emotion that make it a good design for solving an adaptive problem?
Has the modern environment changed in any way from the ancestral environment that designed this adaptation? What are some potential consequences of this mismatch?
Do you think we should consider human emotions as facultative or obligate adaptations? Why? Use the emotion you chose above as an example.
( The essay questions will ask you to integrate theory and data in a specific area of psychological research. The point is to engage the material you are learning, not merely repeat it. To that end you will need to include in each essay at least TWO empirical articles that you have gleaned from the literature yourself (that is, two sources other than your textbook and the lectures). In your search for sources, three very useful tools are “Google Scholar,” “PsycInfo,” and “Web of Science.” Wikipedia is not an acceptable source, though you may find useful sources in the “References” lists of Wikipedia articles.
You will be evaluated on the coherence and rigor of your analysis: Do you understand the relevant theories? Can you tell what kinds of evidence support or undermine each theory? Have you chosen appropriate sources? You will also be evaluated on the clarity of your expression. Maximum length for the essay is 1,000 words; this does not include your References Cited section, which you must have. Thus you will need to plan so that you are not only clear, but also concise.  Essays must be 12pt font, double-spaced. For citations, please use APA format (otherwise no need to follow APA format).