Fashion Research

“Exploring the Impact of Social Media on Mental Health: A Project Proposal” Introduction: The rise of social media has significantly impacted our daily lives, changing the way we communicate, share information, and interact with others. While social media has its benefits

Use your research questions, thesis statement, and annotated bibliography to develop a 3 to 4-page (double-spaced) project proposal. This should clearly explain your project’s goals using your research questions, and the sources that you plan to use in order to examine your questions/arguments. Your proposal will be graded on the following criteria: 
– Does the proposal clearly outline how you intend to pursue your research project throughout the remainder of the semester? 
– Does the proposal explain how you have narrowed down your topic? 
– Does the proposal explain your goals, or what you intend to prove or find out by the end of the project? (Please be specific!) 
– Does the proposal indicate what sources you plan to use, including books and possible interview subjects and archive visits?