Film & Theater studies

“Analyzing the 15 Beats of Thelma & Louise”

Identify all 15 beats in Thelma & Louise. Please identify the moment in the story that you think is that specific beat and tell me why you choose those specific moments for all 15 beats.
1. Opening Image
2. Theme Stated
3. Set-Up
4. Catalyst
5. Debate
6. Break Into Two
7. B Story
8. Fun and Games
9. Midpoint
10. Bad Guys Close In
11. All is Lost
12. Dark Night of the
13. Break Into Three
14. Finale
15. Final Image

Film & Theater studies

Title: “A Timeless Classic: A Review of the Original 1985 Film ‘Back to the Future'”

This review will be over the ORIGINAL movie in 1985. You must cite the textbook and 1 other source, not including the movie. A film review is an example of a source you use. Cite all sources. Please see attached for more instructions and rubric. You just analyze the film, not summarize it.
Textbook: Moving Pictures Digital Textbook
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