free writing

Exploring Profiles: A Freewriting Exercise

Discussion Board Freewrite: Exploring Profiles
A profile is a type of writing that explores the character, background, and nuances of a person, place, or event. To get started, let’s engage in a freewriting exercise that will help us warm up to the idea of profiling.
Choose a person whom you find fascinating—this could be someone you know, a historical figure, a celebrity, or even a character from a book or movie. Write a brief introductory profile of this individual. Consider the following questions to guide your writing:
1 Who is this person? Provide some basic background information.
2 What makes them fascinating? Describe their traits, achievements, or the impact they have on others.
3 What would you most like to know about their life? Think about aspects that are not widely known or understood.
4 How would you approach writing a full profile of this person? Contemplate the angles or themes you might explore to provide a deeper insight.
Please share your freewrite in this discussion board. This exercise is meant to be a casual introduction to profiling, so don’t worry about perfection. Aim for around 200-300 words and focus on capturing the essence of the individual in a compelling way.
After posting, please read at least two of your classmates’ entries and comment with your thoughts or questions. This will help us start thinking critically about how profiles are constructed and what makes them engaging.
Duration: Spend about 15 minutes on this freewrite. Happy writing!