
“Saving Gucci: Help Us Fund His Life-Saving Surgery”

Hi. I wanted to create a gofundme for my friend’s dog. His name is gucci and going to be needing a surgery, specifically removal of Gallstones. I need help constructing a fundraising caption for him. 
Extra info:
2 years old
Diagnose with Gallbladder issue
He is very playful and sweet dog
Dr said we only have 2 option (surgery or euthanasia)
Thank u 


“Persuading for a Purpose: A Fundraiser’s Journey to Secure Donations for a Nonprofit” Contact Report 1: Name: Jane Smith Occupation: Retired teacher Relationship to nonprofit: Volunteer at the nonprofit

Develop talking points and solicit a minimum of three individuals for a gift to a nonprofit (e.g., your client organization or any nonprofit with which you are sufficiently familiar to make the case for giving). Write a summary of the interactions (i.e., contact reports) and a reflection on your experience of asking (ca. 1000 words). make my work better and make up interactions that are reasonable. use the one I did as an example and make sure one of the contact reports is not as willing to donate. please make each interaction unique. please make this compelling and write a compelling reflection based on the instructions please create this based on research rehearsing fundraising and interacting with potential donors.