Gaming and simulations

Title: The Impact of Gaming/Simulation on Real-World Applications: Exploring Professional, Personal, and Educational Uses and Ethical Considerations

topic: gaming/simulation use and aplication in the real world 
Try to answer this questions in the paper 
o Describe the (applicable) uses including: 
▪ Professional use – business 
▪ Personal use 
▪ Educational use 
o Explain the ethics behind your topic? 
▪ The Good and why? 
▪ The Bad and why? 
12 pages in total (for groups of three 9 pages, 3 per person)
• Double spaced 
• 12 font size, Times New Roman 
• Work Cited page (APA, Chicago, or MLA.. All group members should use the same style), the
works cited page is not included in the page count.
• The paper must include references from online journals, and/or web articles. Web references must be
from reputable sites such as:
o – the source on all Internet based theory, knowledge and technology
o – the source for all ground-breaking research in Artificial
Intelligence, Gaming, Social Networks and Virtual worlds (search for your topic)