General Studies - Capstone

“Revitalizing Our Community: How You Can Make a Difference as an Agent of Change”

Create an infographic that tells the story of the problem, shows the process of identifying a possible solution, and explains how you can make a difference as an agent of change. The infographic must include all of the following sections and content:
A section titled “What Is the Problem?”
The problem statement
Two to three sentences describing the background or context of the problem and why it is important
A section titled “What Does the Research Say?”
Two to three sentences describing your evaluation and research results
A section titled “Recommending a Solution”
One to two sentences explaining the selected potential solution
A section titled “Being an Agent of Change”
Two to three sentences describing what you can personally do as an agent of change and the degree of change you can reasonably expect to achieve
At least two fair-use images that relate to the problem and/or solution
What Is the Problem?
Problem Statement: The ongoing issue in our housing community involves the deterioration and inadequate maintenance of communal facilities, compromising resident safety, reducing usability of shared spaces, and potentially lowering property values.
Background/Context: Over the years, the lack of consistent maintenance has led to the decline of playgrounds, green areas, and community halls. This neglect affects the quality of life and community pride, making it crucial to address the issue promptly.
What Does the Research Say?
Research Results: Evaluations highlighted budget constraints and sporadic community feedback as primary challenges. Successful maintenance projects demonstrated that community involvement and transparent communication significantly improve outcomes.
Summary: The research underscores the need for structured community engagement and better resource management to ensure sustainable maintenance practices.
Recommending a Solution
Selected Solution: Establishing a Community Maintenance Committee.
Explanation: This solution leverages community involvement, promotes a sense of ownership, and ensures regular oversight and transparent communication about maintenance activities.
Being an Agent of Change
Personal Actions: As an agent of change, I will actively participate in the committee, lead by example, and communicate effectively to involve more residents. I will build relationships with key community members to gain their support and foster a collective approach.
Expected Impact: By driving these efforts, I expect to see improved maintenance of communal facilities, increased resident participation, and enhanced community pride and safety.

General Studies - Capstone

Title: Analyzing Data Sources for Trustworthiness and Accuracy in Addressing the Identified Problem

Week 1 & Week 2 identified problem is attached
You will find four sources that contain data specifically about or relative to the problem you selected. Analyze these sources for trustworthiness and accuracy. The data sources can be in the form of articles, videos, personal communications, government reports, etc. Consider how reviewing existing research about similar situations, relevant data, facts, etc., through a theoretical lens can explain the problem.
In your discussion post,
Summarize each data source and include the references in APA StyleLinks to an external site..
Analyze each data source for trustworthiness and accuracy.
Using a theoretical lens, explain how the data relate to the problem you selected.
Identify important gaps in existing information.
Organize and reorganize information as appropriate to gain a better understanding of the problem.
Analyze data for major themes.