genetically modified organisms

Title: The Impact of Social Media on Mental Health in Adolescents

I have attached the actual assignment instructions from canvas on the files along with the sources from My college library.
this must pass TURN IT IN/ no Plagarism or similarity etc must be Real Work NO AI GENERATED WORK
if you have any questions please let me know.
• Have a strong introduction and thesis statement
• Adequate development of argument/analysis through use of multiple paragraphs—in other words, try to avoid my needing to comment “develop this point further” or posing questions throughout your essay
• Make sure that you have discussed all necessary points to explain or prove your thesis/claim–your evidence should indicate that you researched your topic thoroughly
• Have detailed, focused paragraphs (one main idea per paragraph) that are arranged in a logical order
• Use topic sentences, and employ transitions when necessary
• Cite a minimum of 3 sources
• Use quotations, summaries, and paraphrases when necessary
• Employ ethos (establish your credibility), pathos (appeal to emotions), and logos (organization of material and/or facts/data)
• Have strong conclusions
• Try to have a creative title
• Adhere to MLA guidelines
• Avoid using “you” in your research paper