Global Understanding

Exploring the Indigenous History of My Hometown: A Reflection on Native Land and its Significance

In class, we discovered that NC A&T State University exists on Shakori, Eno, and Occaneechi land.  
For this homework assignment, visit and enter your home address.  If you moved around a lot, you may select one of the locations you’ve lived.  Write a short (1-2 page, double spaced) reflection sharing which Native peoples were the original inhabitants of your land.  Briefly research the tribe and include key facts about the group.  As you reflect, consider the following questions:
Have you heard of this tribe before? 
Are you familiar with the tribe’s history in the area you were from?  How long they lived there / when they were removed? 
When you think about your hometown, do you see the influence of the tribe lingering?  How so?
What feelings emerge as you consider the history of the land you grew up on?  
Do you feel a sense of connection with those who have gone before you in that area?  If yes, how?  
Why does it matter that we take time to consider the indigenous history of our land? 
Your file should be uploaded in .doc, .docx. or .pdf format.  Files that are corrupt or submitted in another format are subject to a late deduction based on when the file is resubmitted.

Native Land