Greek mythology

The Significance of Family in Greek and Roman Mythology: Exploring Identity, Roles, and Definitions

Address the question below in a well-written, detailed, and concise essay.  Think about it as a featured writer essay, but over a broader range of materials. Expect to write between 1500 and 2000 words; the word limit is 2000.
Family relationships have played a prominent role in many of the myths we have read for this class. Using five or more of the texts we’ve read, discuss the significance of family in Greek and Roman mythology (note that you must use at least one Roman text). You may choose to focus on one aspect of family or to discuss the theme more generally. Whatever strategy you pick, you must draw on SPECIFIC evidence from the texts we have read to further your view. In your analysis, employ at least two different conceptual tools. How are family relationships defined? How do family connections define identity? In what ways do the roles family ties play differ from one myth to the next? Look specifically at how families are described and avoid assuming that our concepts and definitions of family are shared in the ancient material.
You will be graded according to the following criteria:
Argumentation, meaning you make claims about the texts, their relationship to each other, and their relationship to the cultures in which they were produced. Don’t just summarize—build an argument! 25 points
Evidence for your arguments, in the form of specific textual details (passages cited by line number) or reference to passages (e.g., “when Menelaus describes the fall of Troy in the Odyssey…”). Use only brief quotations or summaries as evidence for your answer; you won’t have space for long, drawn-out citations. Note that you will need to draw evidence from at least 5 different texts. 25 points
Organization, including an introduction that has a statement your thesis, body paragraphs with topic sentences and examples supporting your thesis (this is where the evidence comes in!), and a short conclusion. 25 points
Use of theories from class: show us you’ve watched the lectures and know how to apply the tools of analysis we’ve been working with. The more extensive knowledge you demonstrate of the tools, and the greater the skill with which you can apply these to the question at hand, the better your grade will be for this portion. You are expected to demonstrate mastery of at least two different tools in this essay. 25 points
Total points possible: 100 
Greek Tragedies, Vol. I, ed. by David Grene and Richmond Lattimore (Chicago: University of Chicago Pr.) SBN-13: 978-0226035284
Greek Tragedies Vol. III, ed. by David Grene and Richmond Lattimore (Chicago: University of Chicago Pr.) ISBN-13: 978-0226035932
Hesiod, Theogony (Oxford World’s Classics), M. L. West, trans. (New York: Oxford University Press) ISBN-13: 978-0199538317
Homeric Hymns, Sarah Ruden, trans. (Hackett) ISBN-13: 978-0872207257
**Homer, The Odyssey, Emily Wilson, trans. (Norton) ISBN-13: 978-0393356250; or ISBN-13: 978-0393417937
Virgil, The Aeneid, Robert Fitzgerald, trans. (New York: Vintage Books) ISBN-13: 978-0679729525

Greek mythology

“The Grand Munera: A Spectacle of Power and Entertainment in Ancient Rome” As an editor in ancient Rome, I am responsible for planning and organizing the grand munera, a highly anticipated event that showcases the power and entertainment of the Roman elite

Take on the role of an editor in ancient Rome and plan your own munera. What do you include? How do you
arrange it? Explain the significance of each element with reference to ideas from this course.  On the file you are doing option 3