Gun control movement

“Exploring Social Movements: From Historical to Contemporary and Beyond”
Tasks: You will complete the following tasks as part of this assignment
Topic selection:  You will want to focus your research and paper on a social movement of your choice. Consider one of the following approaches for this assignment:
Research and discuss a historical social movement
Research and discuss a current/active social movement
Research where there might be a gap and propose a social movement that could respond to that gap.  For example, maybe you have an interest, hobby, or set of skills that could be developed into a social movement.  For this option, you would be primarily researching to show there is a need for such a movement.
You will need to clear your topic with me prior to beginning your research through a future Learning Reflection.
Develop a “working” thesis that takes a position and provides a clear focus for your research. 
Conduct research using websites and the Citrus College Library database collection.
Read and take notes on the sources you find during your research and which directly relate to your topic.
Create two outlines, one without sources included and one with sources integrated.
Submit a draft of peer and instructor feedback.
Complete peer reviews on two drafts from other students
Revise and complete a final draft
Criteria for Success: To earn a complete, meet ALL of the following criteria:
Produce a final draft which is six to eight pages (or 1,500-2,000 words)
Produce a paper in which you take a position (stated in your thesis) and support it with research, not a “report” that tells your reader what different people say about the topic
Use standard MLA format including: 
a complete MLA paper heading (four lines in the upper left corner of the first page of your paper: your name, Professor Rudd, English 101E, and the date you submit it)
one-inch margins on all four sides of the page
double-spacing throughout the entire document
12 point Times New Roman font
A properly formatted Works Cited page which: 
is also double-spaced
lists at least six sources used to support your discussion (this page does NOT count as part of the six to eight pages of the paper itself)
provides citations in correct MLA format
formats citations in “hanging indent”
places citations in alphabetical order by the first letter in each citation (often, but not always, the first letter of the author’s last name)
Presents the information shared in text that has few errors in grammar, spelling, punctuation, or word/language use.