Health Care and Life Sciences : Safety and Health

Title: “Confirmation of CMS Measures on QNET and Inclusion in Measure Tracking Tool”

Confirming all the CMS measures on QNET (IQR, OQR and IPFQR) are included in the CMS/TJC Measure tracking tool sheet and the following information is confirmed in the tool:
Columns A-W & Y
QNET link
Please be specific with link to source of measure

Health Care and Life Sciences : Safety and Health

The Impact of Childhood Obesity on Elementary School Students: A Literature Review and Call for Action Introduction Childhood obesity has become a major health concern in the United States, with rates steadily increasing over the past few decades. According to the Centers for

Research and write a literature review on the current climate of this health problem for the grade level you chose. Conclude by talking about why this topic needs to be addressed in schools. For instance, how does this harm or help students in the long term?
2 – 3 pages, double-spaced, NOT INCLUDING title and reference pages
Papers must have in-text, parenthetical citations as well as a reference page. 
i chose my students to be in second grade so it would be for elementary school. This does not need an abstract.