Hepatitis A

Title: “The Impact of [Infectious Disease] on Public Health: A Comprehensive Analysis”

You must include at least 2 different resources used to research the infectious disease.
Infectious Disease Paper Directions
The name of the infectious disease including the scientific name
The cause of the infectious disease
Infectious disease symptoms
The infectious disease mode of transportation
The complications of the infectious disease on adults and children
The treatment of the infectious disease
Prevention of the infectious disease
How the infectious disease is tracked/surveilled
What population/people are most vulnerable for this infectious disease
Infectious Disease Paper will include the following
This is an APA formatted paper and will include the following:
Title page with all group member names
Refer to the APA student title page to an external site.
Page Numbers
Use the page-numbering function of your word-processing program to insert page numbers.
Insert page numbers in the top right corner.
The page number should show on all pages.
The title page carries page number 1.
APA format headings to an external site.
APA format in text citations to an external site.
APA format references to an external site.