History : History

“The Myth of American Exceptionalism: Exploring its Origins and Impact on American Society”

 How and why have certain Americans tended to view themselves and their nation as “exceptional”?  How has this notion shaped American culture, politics and economics?

History : History

“The Myth of American Exceptionalism: Exploring its Origins and Impact on Culture, Politics, and Economics”

How and why have certain Americans tended to view themselves and their nation as “exceptional”?  How has this notion shaped American culture, politics and economics?

History : History

“The Significance of the Industrial Revolution in Shaping Modern Society”

Be sure to describe and highlight the important points of topic, and point out the historical significance of each. Make sure you title the essay.

History : History

“The Confederate Battle Flag: A Second American Flag or a Divisive Symbol?”

In his book, The Confederate Battle Flag, John Coski claims that it makes sense to think of the
Confederate battleflag as a “Second American Flag.” Do you agree with that argument? Why or
why not? Use specific historical events and trends to illustrate your points. Hint: Even if you do
not agree with Coski’s argument, you must show that you understand it
Discussion, John M. Coski, The Confederate Battle Flag: America’s Most Embattled Emblem
During the Civil War, why did some white southerners begin to object to the original “Stars and Bars,” leading
to the adoption of what most people today call the “Confederate flag?”
What did Confederate veteran Carlton McCarthy say the battle flag symbolized, or didn’t symbolize? What did
it mean to him? Does Coski fully accept that answer?
Was there ever a time when the battle flag was separate from the Confederate “Cause” itself? The “Cause”
What was it? – slavery?; constitutional liberty? something else?
What did southerners of the Civil War era say the war was about? (This may not have a one-word answer!)
What did they think they were fighting for? Could these two questions have different answers?????
When southerners displayed the battle flag in the immediate postwar period, what were they doing? Did they
think they were threatening the union? Were they trying to reimpose slavery?
Maintain white supremacy? Show that they had not forgotten their comrades and loved ones?
During Reconstruction, if northerners objected to the Confederate flag, why did they object? Did they see it as a
symbol of treason, or of racism?
How was the flag used towards the end of Reconstruction and in the 1880s, up until World War II?
Did the UCV and UDC approve?
What was the northern response to the flag in this time period (end of Reconstruction through WWII)?
Why did southern servicemen display the Confederate flag during World War II?
Coski says that after World War II, the flag transformed from a symbol of the status quo to a symbol of protest.
What does he mean by that? How was it a symbol of the status quo before?
If Confederate veterans could come back to life and observe the debates we have today on the Confederate flag,
what would they find strange or puzzling?
Ch. 12 – What does Coski say was common about the outcome in all 4 statewide Confederate flag debates
(South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, and Mississippi)?
Why does Coski call the Confederate flag the “Second American Flag?” Is he right?
Try to list all the meanings the flag has had: How many of those messages/meanings are “American;”
how many of them are only “southern,” but not “American?”
What solutions does Coski propose? Do they seem reasonable to you?

History : History

“The Impact of Immigration on Our Society and Economy in the 21st Century” Immigration has been a major feature and driver of change in the United States since the Gilded Age. It has shaped our society and economy in countless ways, and

immigration was a major feature and driver of change during the Gilded Age. Immigration is also a major issue today, with some calling for restrictions on immigration, and others calling for immigrants to be welcomed into the United States, even as Texas generally and Dallas specifically have among the highest concentrations of immigrants from around the world. Reflect on the extent to which our local and national economy and society relies on immigration, and reflect on the extent to which immigrants play a role in your daily life. Write for approximately 15 minutes, or 250 words, about your thoughts on immigrants and immigration in the 21st century.

History : History

“The Impact of Industrialization on Society: A Historical Analysis”

Be sure to describe and highlight the important points of topic, and point out the historical significance of each. Make sure you title the essay.

History : History

Title: “Nineteenth-Century European Responses to Cholera: A Focus on State and Social Responses”

Write a 4-page paper on nineteenth-century European responses to cholera, focusing on any one aspect of the outbreaks: a) state responses b) medical knowledge and theories c) social responses d) popular culture:
work cite to use:
Sherman, Irwin W-Cholera.pdf Sherman, Irwin W-Cholera.pdf – Alternative Formats  CatherineJKudlick-Cholera’s Messengers Paris.pdf 
De Almeida, Maria-the-portuguese-cholera-epidemic-1853-56.pdf De Almeida, Maria-the-portuguese-cholera-epidemic-1853-56.pdf – Alternative Formats
Please, ask any questions you have. The paper needs to be well supported and work cited.
Thank you.

History : History

“The Road to World War I: Exploring the Causes and Consequences of the Great War”

“Examine the factors leading to the outbreak of World War I. How did the alliance system, militarism, imperialism, and nationalism contribute to the tensions in Europe? Analyze the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand as a catalyst for the war. Additionally, discuss the long-term consequences of the Treaty of Versailles in shaping the geopolitical landscape of the 20th century.”

History : History

Title: Examining the Promotions of Reform and Rebellion: An Analysis of Key Movements in American History

To what extent did each of these movements promote reform, rebellion, or both reform and rebellion?  Be clear in the ways you define reform and rebellion, pointing out how your definitions might differ from that of other Americans.

History : History

Title: The Impact of Civil Rights Activism on Minority Activism in the Mid-Twentieth Century

For this assignment, you will choose one of the following prompts. This assignment provides you with another opportunity to practice critical reading, summarization and paraphrasing skills and making a historical argument based on primary source evidence.
Did the actions of African-American civil rights activists in the mid-twentieth century have a broader effect on activists for other minorities? If they did, in what way(s)? If they did not, how so?
What role, if any, did the notion of a “balance of power” play in the international relations of a specific period in the twentieth century?
From your readings on the Vietnam War, evaluate the American role in Vietnam from 1961 to 1975. Was the United States able to fulfill its objectives? Why or why not?
The Cold War had profound implications for U.S. domestic policy and culture. Consider the ways in which heightened tension with the Soviet Union influenced America’s national scene from 1945 to 1989. What were the benefits and losses of this “great fear” on American culture?
Write a 2000-word analytical essay that is thesis-driven and evidence-based.
Write an essay that explains and analyzes the perspectives of each writer on the issue. The essay should contain the following components:
An introduction
Shape your introduction like a funnel while introducing the topic and each perspective.
Write a thesis statement at the very end of your introduction that effectively reflects the prompt in wording and what it is asking while making sure to provide a clear response towards its inquiry.
Body of the Essay
Lay out the points of your essay and make sure that each body paragraph starts with a sentence that lets your reader know what that paragraph will be focused on.
Analysis of the sources must always be within the body paragraphs. Do not simply mention or repeat what a source says.
Summarize your thesis and main points
Additional Requirements:
Six academic sources (one must be a primary source– the rest can be secondary sources or a mix of secondary and primary)
A bibliography with all sources listed and formatted in Chicago Style
Footnote citations in Chicago Style