History of East Asia

“Unveiling the Layers of “Day”: A Critical Analysis of Ding Ling’s Depiction of Shanghai in 1930s China”

Following I’ll include the instructions given by the teacher.
Following the midterm exam, our next assignment is a short
critical response paper on a primary source chosen from the course
material. The primary goal of this assignment is to strengthen our
skills in analyzing evidence critically and succinctly in written form.
Please read the following instructions carefully .
Choose one document from our primary source readings (such as Yang Guangxian’s I Cannot Do Otherwise, Ch’oe Ikhyŏn’s “Memorial
against Peace,” etc.) and provide a close and critical analysis of the
document. Note that the primary source readings DO NOT include the
textbook readings (such as Waley-Cohen’s Sextants of Beijing, Seth’s Concise History of Korea, etc.). 
Write in English (max. 1000 words) .
Submit an electronic copy in Word format .
A strong critical response paper should demonstrate: 
A critical reading of your document’s text and rhetoric.
A solid understanding of its historical context, and,
A thoughtful consideration of its limitations and biases as historical evidence.
Be sure to provide specific examples from the text of your document to illustrate your analysis. 
The primary source reading I’ve chosen is “Day” by Ding Ling (included in the attachements).
I’ve also attached the textbook on Chinese History used in this class, so the writer can use it to understand the historical context of the primary source reading.
Please, include the title of the primary source reading as a subtitle for the assignment topic.
Please, include both the primary source reading and the textbook in the bibliography. Feel free to use any other sources that can be helpful to understand Shanghai’s and China’s situation at the time the text was written, and the author’s life and biases.