Honors Program Research Semina

Title: Draft of Chapter 2: Literature Review

Milestone #6 (Draft of Chapter 2)
Research Milestones Content
This milestone is all about drafting a much as you can of your Chapter 2: Literature Review.
Remember, you should begin by drafting the body sections of your literature review. Every body section will have its own Level 2 heading. It is up to you if you want to break that section into smaller pieces with Level 3 headings. Then, as you write each of the body sections, each section should have its own mini introduction, supporting details from your sources (paraphrase, cite, state the so-what), and then a mini conclusion.
After you finish your body sections, you may then draft the one paragraph “Introduction and Purpose” section to the chapter.
Finally, you can then draft your “Conclusion” section, where you tie all of the information together, recap major points, and indicate where more research should be conducted.
The template attached is a template for the entire proposal, however, you can begin to work in the Chapter 2 sections.
Remember, use your heading and feedback from the previous milestone to guide you.
Make sure to cite your sources in APA 7th edition format. Please be aware of the criteria used to grade assignments. Spelling, NO plagiarism, grammar and punctuation are counted in the grading criteria, therefore, please proofread your work before submitting it. 

Honors Program Research Semina

Milestone #2 (Annotated Bibliography #2) Essential Questions – The newest essential questions developed are: 1. How does social media impact the mental health of adolescents? 2. What are the long-term effects of excessive screen time on

Milestone #2 (Annotated Bibliography #2)
Research Milestones Content
Please continue to cultivate your essential questions and annotated bibliography.
You can use the same template and document that you used for Milestone #2. Please add new sections as follows:
Essential Questions –
The newest essential questions developed are:
Note – you may only have one or two new questions or you may have no new questions.
Annotated Bibliography Entries – 
Put your newest sources under this heading. You should provide 5 new sources this week.
Make sure to cite your sources 
in APA 7th edition format. Please be aware of the criteria used to grade assignments. Spelling, NO plagiarism, grammar and punctuation are counted in the grading criteria, therefore, please proofread your work before submitting it.