hotel management

“Reflecting on my Learning Journey in TOUR7052: Travel Distribution & Transport Systems”

Reflective Journal Guidelines
Due Date: by 2pm on 27 Mar, 22 May 2024 Weight: 30% Word Limit: 300-350 words per entry
You are required to post two reflective journal entries about your learning in the course. You must 
post one entry of 300 to 350 words by 2pm on each of the due dates shown above. 
Your reflection may focus on the video lectures, workshop activities, simulation, assessment or 
interactions with other students. You can include any combination of the following:
 Reflecting on what you have learnt and thinking critically about your own thoughts, reactions, 
behaviours or challenges you faced.
 Making connections between what you already know and what you are learning, between 
theory and practice or between key issues discussed in the course and personal experiences as a 
consumer, traveller or employee.
 Critically reflecting on one or more aspects of the course, evaluating the impact of teaching 
practices on your learning experience or personal agenda, and providing constructive feedback 
for the course.
Each journal entry should be a reflective and well thought out response. Reflection means taking 
some time to examine your own thoughts, beliefs, values, attitudes and assumptions about your 
understanding of a topic, a situation or a problem. The STAR-LP framework may be useful for 
structuring your reflection:
 Situation – Describe the environment, the type of people or equipment you worked with. This 
gives the reader the background information and puts the experience into context.
 Task – The task is what was actually required of you in the situation. Explain what you were 
doing. If an experience occurred as part of an assessment, the task might have been related to 
studying, organisation, teamwork, or communication.
 Action – Think about what you did to resolve the problem or perform the task. When reflecting 
on your actions, ask yourself why you chose to respond in that particular way.