HRM Training and Development

Title: “The Impact of Training and Development on Leadership and Career Planning: Insights from the Course” Good morning everyone, I am honored to have the opportunity to speak to the executive team today about how this course can help shape our training and development

You have been asked to make a short speech to the executive team on how this course could help shape training and
development program for leadership and career planning. 
Be sure to consider major training-related theories. Reflect on the
course and thoroughly explain your rationale.
Journal post to be a minimum of 500 words and at least one supporting reference. Journal posts should include a full
coversheet, including your name, and double-space all submissions.   
The class syllabus is attached below so that you can see some of our previous topics. Let me know if you have any questions. 

HRM Training and Development

“Developing Executive Leadership: A Comprehensive Program for a Fictitious Company”

Unit VII Scholarly Activity
For this assignment, you will write a report that details
the components of an executive leadership development program for a fictitious
company. The fictitious company can be within an organization and industry of
your choice. Do not use the name of or information about a real company. After
you have chosen a type of organization and industry, include the following items
in your report.
Include an introductory paragraph that
lists the name and type of fictitious company, the country in which the home
office is located, how long the company has been operating, and the number of
executive leadership employees.
Discuss an executive leadership
development strategy. Provide a vision for this strategy. For example, what are
the outcomes of having a leadership development program for the organization?
How will the leadership be structured?
Explain how you will assess leadership
capabilities for the roles you have structured. Are there any leadership
theories that you use as the basis for your decisions?
Describe one assessment tool that you
will use to identify leadership capabilities. How will your leaders develop
problem-solving skills and the ability to arrive at sound solutions?
Explain how you will facilitate the
training for leadership. What trends do human resource professionals use for leadership
Conclude your report by describing the
benefits that having a formal executive leadership development program will
have on the organization (e.g., why a program is important and how it enhances
the organization’s competitiveness).
Your assignment must be five full pages in length and
include at least one peer-reviewed or academic source from the CSU Online
Library. Adhere to APA guidelines when constructing this assignment and include
in-text citations and references for all sources that are used. Please note
that no abstract is needed.