Human relations

Title: “Collective Bargaining Dispute in the News: Analyzing the Causes, Pressures, and Resolutions” Main Article: “Chicago Teachers Union and City Reach Tentative Deal to Avert Strike” by Mitch Smith and

Locate an article describing a collective bargaining situation that has arisen within the year. This article should be from a newspaper, an academic 
journal, or a credible online news source (try searching “collective bargaining in the news”). Attach the article or give the link.  Use a minimum of two 
additional references from the course materials to support your discussion and to respond to the questions in the assignment.
Use headings to separate the sections of the paper, double-space, and Times New Roman font, cover page, page numbers, and selected reference style (e.g., APA).
Identify your main article:
Using selected reference style (e.g., APA) guidelines state the proper citation for the article.
Respond to these questions:
What is the nature of the collective bargaining dispute?
What are the underlying causes of the dispute?
What economic or ethical pressures has each side attempted to use to prevail in the dispute?
If there is any evidence of any illegal or unethical conduct on either side, describe it in detail.
Was the dispute resolved? If so, how? If not, what are the possible resolutions?
What, if any, role was played by third parties in resolving this bargaining dispute? What was the identity of the third party?
In retrospect, could this dispute have been resolved in a more constructive fashion? If so, how?

Human relations

“Addressing a Data Breach in a Virtual Strategic Planning Session” Slide 1: Introduction – Title: Addressing a Data Breach in a Virtual Strategic Planning Session – Introduction to the scenario: Human resource professional at a startup technology company

Data is one of the most important tools for human resource professionals. Data is used in many human resource tasks ranging from recruitment and selection data to absenteeism statistics. Workforce data is beneficial for improving decision making, enhancing employee satisfaction, and optimizing compliance practices. Data is gathered through a variety of methods including engagement surveys, human resource information systems, EEOC reports, performance evaluations, exit interviews, and many other valuable sources.
For this assignment, assume you are a human resource professional at a startup technology company with a remote workforce. The chief executive officer (CEO) asks you to join a virtual strategic planning session and asks you to prepare a data story of current workforce trends for the meeting. The workforce trends include increases in FMLA requests, Employee Assistance Program usage, tardiness, absences, compensation changes for underrepresented groups, and turnover.
As you are preparing for this virtual meeting, you share a copy of your presentation that includes a confidential data file outlining all the workforce trends with the CEO. Later in the day, you realize the email accidentally sent the file to an entry level employee with the same name as your CEO. This action has created a data breach.
To complete this assignment, determine the type of data that was shared, create a workflow chart that highlights the steps you would take to address the data breach, and determine who you must communicate with regarding the breach. You must explain your steps in sequential order. Be sure that whatever information you share is appropriate and relevant to the data breach.
Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria:
Steps: Create a workflow chart to outline the steps involved in addressing the data breach. Note: The workflow chart will be graded on accuracy of the steps to address the breach.
Confidential Data: Explain how sharing this confidential data impacts privacy and security.
Communication: Describe who to communicate with regarding the data breach with rationale.
What to Submit
Your assignment must be submitted as a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation, three slides in length

Human relations

Title: Comparing Ethical Standards in Human Services and Another Profession For this assignment, I will be comparing and contrasting the ethical standards for human services with the ethical standards for counseling, based on the first letter of my last name. Human services

Ethical standards are essential to the helping professions because they define acceptable conduct, specify areas of expertise, and can protect the client from harm. In this discussion, you will compare and contrast the ethical standards for human services with the ethical standards for one other profession, based on the first letter of your last name.
First, provide a brief description of the organizations you will compare and contrast. Second, identify and discuss what you believe to be the two most important similarities and the two most significant differences between the sets of standards. Be sure to justify your response and provide examples to support your argument. Finally, please note that your initial post should be at least 150 words and should both cite and reference the information you use from all sources in APA style.

Human relations

“HR Instant Messaging Responses to Employee Inquiries on FLSA Laws” Response 1: HR: Hi there! Thank you for reaching out to us. As an HR professional, it is my responsibility to ensure that our company follows all state and

You are an HR professional at a U.S. company. One of your major duties is to monitor the HR instant messaging channel. The HR Inbox chat channel allows HR to communicate and support employees directly. While monitoring the HR channel, you receive the following chat messages from employees:
Dear HR: I just transferred to the Texas branch. Can my employer reduce the number of hours I work based on the state Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) laws?
Dear HR: I’m an hourly worker. If my shift is only six hours, how many breaks am I allowed to have according to the federal FLSA laws?
Dear HR: I am a supervisor, and I always work more than eight hours a day. Am I supposed to receive overtime according to federal FLSA laws? If not, why?
To complete this assignment, write a response to each of the three employee chat messages above as if you are the HR professional responding through instant messaging. You must address the employees’ questions by referencing applicable state and federal FLSA laws. Your overall writing style must have a tone and format appropriate for instant message communication in a business environment.
Specifically, your responses must address the following rubric criteria:
Hours: Determine whether an employer can reduce hours based on state FLSA laws.
Breaks: Explain how many breaks are allowed for an hourly worker based on federal FLSA laws.
Overtime: Determine overtime eligibility for a supervisor based on federal FLSA laws. Provide rationale.
Additionally, be sure that overall, your general writing style aligns with the following:
Tone: Discuss human resource roles and responsibilities using an engaging tone and encouraging questions.
Format: Communicate in a clear and concise writing style, offering information in high-level, small pieces.

Human relations

“Exploring Solutions for Reducing Food Waste: A Comprehensive Capstone Analysis”

The full capstone draft must follow all capstone instructions. The draft must be a minimum of 6650 words, and this is based on 95 percent of the completed capstone requirement for a total of 7000-8000 words. The following is the order of the major sections of your capstone and suggested page counts.  
Order of Contents
Title Page (1 page)
Abstract (120 words or less)
Table of Contents (1-2 pages)
Background (2-4 pages)
Approach (2-4 pages)
Literature Review (9-12 pages)
Solution (1-3 pages)
Discussion (3-4 pages)
Recommendations (1-2 pages)
Conclusion (1 page)
References (25-40 sources)
I have a written Capstone attached. I need to add roughly 7 sources and about 3500 morewords. 

Human relations

“Maximizing Employee Retention in Human Services Nonprofit Agencies: The Importance of Comprehensive Benefits, Work-Life Balance, and Career Development” “Retaining Top Talent: The Power of Career Development and Growth Opportunities”

.In order to maximize employee retention, a human services nonprofit agency must consider critical areas: comprehensive and competitive benefits, work-life balance, and career development and growth opportunities. These areas are important because they address employees’ needs and well-being, which is critical for retaining top talent and ensuring the organization’s success. First, providing competitive, comprehensive compensation benefits and promoting work-life balance are important for maximizing employee retention in a human services nonprofit agency. Comprehensive benefits and work-life balance are important for retaining employees because they contribute to their overall job satisfaction and well-being. Your best employees will stay with you if they find that they are happier in their current position than they could reasonably expect to be elsewhere (Brew, 2014). For instance, family-friendly environments and opportunities for increased responsibility may motivate nonprofit employees more (Worth, 2020). Family-friendly work environments in a human services nonprofit agency could include flexible work schedules, remote work options, paid time off for personal and family needs, and on-site daycare. Having comprehensive and compensation benefits shows employees that they are valued and their hard work is recognized. Furthermore, they are also more likely to stay with the organization for a longer period of time. Other examples of comprehensive and competitive benefits include comprehensive and customizable health insurance, retirement plans, pension plans, and opportunities for professional development and continuing education.
Next, employees in the human services field often face high levels of stress and burnout due to the emotionally demanding nature of their work. Therefore, offering comprehensive benefits such as full coverage health insurance, paid time off, and retirement plans can help alleviate some of the financial pressures and provide a sense of security and support for employees. In addition, promoting work-life balance is crucial for preventing employee burnout and improving job satisfaction. This can be achieved by implementing policies and practices that allow for flexible work schedules and telecommuting options. For example, a study conducted by the Society for Human Resource Management found that organizations that offer flexible work arrangements, such as telecommuting or flexible scheduling options, experienced higher levels of employee satisfaction and retention (Celayix, 2024). As a result, they saved an average of $2,000 per employee in turnover costs. 
Furthermore, research supports the importance of benefits and work-life balance in employee retention. Kalev & Dobbin’s (2022) research found that work/life balance programs improve employee mental and physical health, increase productivity, and reduce turnover. Also, Tenney (2024) asserts that competitive, comprehensive compensation packages help organizations attract and keep top talent and can lead to greater employee satisfaction, making it more likely employees will stay. Tenney (2024) indicated that, as is typical, salaries are an important factor here, but benefits are becoming increasingly important to workers who are considering their options. Notably, in the absence of a competitive salary, many nonprofits are getting creative with their benefit packages to keep their employees happy at work (Brew 2014). For example, Brew (2014) asserts that she would trade a higher salary for working in an environment where she feels well-cared for holistically.
Another important area for maximizing employee retention in a human services nonprofit agency is a retention strategy that provides opportunities for professional growth and development. Employees in the human services field are often passionate about making a difference in the lives of others and may seek opportunities for personal and professional growth. Organizations that prioritize career development and offer growth opportunities are more likely to attract and retain talented employees. These opportunities can include offering training and development programs, mentoring or coaching programs, tuition reimbursement, and opportunities for advancement within the organization. Frontiers in Psychology (2022) published research indicating the importance of career development and growth opportunities for employee retention. The study found that providing opportunities for professional development leads to increased employee engagement. Providing opportunities for professional growth and development allows employees to enhance their skills, knowledge, and abilities, which not only benefits them personally but also improves their performance and effectiveness on the job. This ultimately contributes to the organization’s overall success and increases employee satisfaction and retention. Notably, according to Brew (2014), a good retention strategy is also an effective recruitment strategy. She contends that by establishing a reputation as an employer who values its employees, you can attract top talent while saving money on hiring. Brew (2014) advises that employers should consider organizational culture, compensation, and benefits to enhance employee engagement, leading to higher retention and lower turnover.

Human relations

Title: Making Technology Accessible in Training and Development Programs | Ways to Make Technology Accessible | Examples | | — | — | | 1. Provide multiple modes of access | – Offering online and in-person training options for employees with varying

Create a chart delineating ways to make technology accessible in T&D programs. Include examples to support all information.
Chart must contain a minimum of 5 ways to make technology accessible
Support each with at least one example
Assignment should be one full page

Human relations

Title: Analyzing Data Collection Methods in Theoretical Research and Program Evaluation

As you read, consider the following questions:
What data is needed and from whom?
Where is the data located?
How will the data be obtained?
Is the data ethical to use?
Is the data good quality?
How will the data eventually be used?
Complete the following for both the theoretical research article and the program evaluation:
Identify the qualitative and quantitative data used to answer the theoretical research question or used to address the goal of this program evaluation.
What qualitative data (e.g., interview transcripts, field notes, photographs, program documents) and/or quantitative data were used (e.g., surveys, pre-existing program data)?
Was the type of data (qualitative or quantitative) appropriate? Why or why not?
Would you recommend anything different if you were doing this data collection?
Explain any strategies the researchers may have used to ensure that accurate data was obtained.
If surveys or other means of quantitative data, assess evidence the authors may have used to enhance reliability and validity.
If interviews or other means of qualitative data, assess any strategies the authors may have used to enhance credibility and dependability.
Explain the role of the researcher and any stakeholder(s) in the data collection process.
How may the researchers have worked with any potential stakeholders (program staff, government officials, funding agencies, etc.)?
Analyze how the data analysis led to conclusions/recommendations.
Did the researchers acknowledge specific methodological limitations?
What were the authors’ final conclusions and recommendations based on the data?
Additional Requirements
Your assignment should also meet the following requirements:
Written Communication:
Convey purpose in a well-organized text, incorporating appropriate evidence and tone in grammatically sound sentences.
Apply APA style and formatting to scholarly writing.
Length: 5–6 typed, double-spaced pages.
Format: Use current APA style and format for references, in-text citations, and headings as appropriate. Visit Evidence and APALinks to an external site. for help with APA as needed.
Font and Font Size: Times New Roman, 12 points.
Review the Collecting Data rubric before submission. Be sure to address the criteria and questions for both the theoretical research article and the program evaluation.

Human relations

Managing Project Obstacles and Risks: A Case Study Analysis of “The Trophy Case”

It is now important to consider how to manage project obstacles and risks. Being able to continue the progression of a project is important in the face of unpredictable conditions in the internal and external environment of an organization.
Use the following resource to complete this activity:
Project Management Case Studies.
Read the case study, “The Trophy Case,” pages 243-245.
Write a 1-2 page paper in which you:
Discuss or critique whether the project was planned correctly.
Discuss whether management was committed to the project.
Discuss whether or not fostering more cooperation was within the scope of the project.
Is it possible or even desirable, when doing strategic planning for project management, to include ways to improve cooperation and working relationships? Or is this beyond the scope of strategic planning for project management?
Examine actions that could have been taken to get the project back on track.

Human relations

“Maximizing Employee Retention in Human Services Nonprofits: The Importance of a Supportive Work Environment and Professional Growth Opportunities”

Two crucial areas for maximizing employee retention in human services nonprofit agencies are creating a supportive work environment and offering professional growth opportunities. A supportive work environment means employees feel valued, respected, and listened to. Imagine a workplace where your ideas matter, your concerns are addressed, and your efforts are recognized. This kind of environment reduces turnover because happier employees are more likely to stay (Harvard Business Review, 2015). For instance, if a nonprofit holds regular meetings where staff can openly share their thoughts and concerns, it fosters a sense of belonging and boosts morale. Professional growth opportunities involve providing ways for employees to develop their skills and advance in their careers. Imagine working for a nonprofit that invests in your future. Research by the Pew Research Center shows that employees are more likely to stay at a company if they see opportunities for career advancement (Pew Research Center, 2020). For example, if a human services nonprofit offers workshops, mentorship programs, or financial support for further education, it demonstrates that the organization cares about employees’ personal development. This investment encourages loyalty and reduces turnover rates. Therefore, by prioritizing a supportive work environment and providing avenues for professional growth, human services nonprofits can create a happier, more committed workforce, ultimately leading to better outcomes for both the employees and the organization