
Title: The Role of Humanities in My Professional Career

Throughout our course, we have reviewed works of art that have been created by a variety of different mediums.  Within each of these pieces, we have explored underlying concepts that have allowed us to relate based on our own experiences, perceptions, values, morals, and cultural connections. For your final writing assignment, considering your current or       future career, respond to the following criterion in a 500-750 word essay applying APA formatting guidelines:
Providing examples, explain how the humanities concepts are beneficial in your           professional role.
Do you think the field of humanities correlates with your degree program courses?     Share why you agree or disagree with this overlap.
Summarize your thoughts on the phrase “Humanities surrounds us outside of the        classroom.”.


“Exploring Atlanta’s Unique Architectural Structure: The Varsity” The Varsity, created by architect Frank Gordy, is a famous fast food restaurant located in the city of Atlanta, Georgia. It was built in 1928 and has

Look around the geographical location you live or work (Atlanta, GA). Select one sculpture    OR architectural structure in that city/town/close geographical proximity that is unique to     that location/area.  (Hint – you may need to do a brief search for a sculpture or                       architectural structure if you are not directly familiar with one in your area.) Respond to the  following criterion in a 500-750 word essay applying APA formatting guidelines:
Provide the title and/or name of the selected sculpture or structure, the creator’s name, and the time period it was created (or built). Include a picture or link to view this piece   in the essay.
Clarify the type of sculpture or architectural structure that artifact would be considered based on the definitions and explanations in your e-textbook.
Briefly research this piece and explain in detail what you learned about this sculpture/  structure in relation to the geographical history, culture, and societal/community           values. 
Include in-text citations for any source(s) used to obtain factual information about this selected piece and provide a references page listing the source(s) per APA formatting guidelines.
Length: 500 -750 words
Citation Style: APA


The Power of Personal Connection to Art: A Comparison of Execution in Saigon and May 3, 1808 Art has the unique ability to transcend facts and evoke emotions and values in its viewers. As I reflect on the two powerful pieces

According to your text, the study of the arts expands beyond facts. Works of art encompass  the feelings and values WE recognize in that specific piece. Look at Execution in Saigon         AND May 3, 1808.  As you review these two works of art, respond to the following criterion in a 500-750 word essay applying APA formatting guidelines:
Based on your initial reaction to both works of art, share which ONE of the two pieces     you are able to connect with.
Explain why you connect to that piece in relation to your personal/professional               experiences, feelings, and values (i.e. provide examples).
Consider differences between Execution in Saigon and May 3, 1808, as you elaborate on your response(s) to the question, “Does the medium (such as a black and white             photograph vs a painting utilizing a variety of colors), expression of the individuals in    ea h piece, and time period each piece was created make a difference in the personal  impact these pieces have on you?” 
Provide a conclusion paragraph offering your perspective addressing the questions,    “Do you feel the study of the humanities will be beneficial to you outside of our                  classroom? If so,in what way? If not, why do you feel the study of humanities will not be beneficial?”
Length: 500-750 words