
“Applying Machiavelli’s Principles to Modern Governance: Lessons from Chapters 16, 17, and 18 of The Prince” Niccolò Machiavelli’s influential work, The Prince, has been a subject of debate and

Compose an expository essay of approximately 750 words that considers how one or more of Machiavelli’s chapters (16, 17, 18) could guide policy in the governing of a modern nation (United States or other) at this current time. It does not have to reflect your personal opinion on government or presume that the approach would be successful. The essay should make regular reference to specific passages from The Prince and cite one or more relevant contemporary issues in governing. Since the paper is short, do not try and overextend your reach that will result in superficial examples and generalizations. Rather, pick an important, but focused issue and provide detailed examples.


Title: “A Journey of Self-Discovery: Overcoming Fear and Finding Strength” As I stood at the edge of the cliff, overlooking the vast expanse of the ocean, my heart raced with both excitement and fear. The wind whipped through

I need lengthen this essay, My word count is at 244 and I want it to be 300-350 words. I want some more detail and better structure/organization because I’m not the best writer. You can feel free to make up details or change whatever you want. You have the freedom to add what you might think would improve it, making it a bit more emotional/touching would be nice. I just need a good story.


“Exploring the Importance of Effective Instructions in the Classroom” Effective instructions play a crucial role in creating a successful learning environment in the classroom. They provide students with clear and concise guidance on how to complete a task or achieve a learning objective. As a

Instructions, Rubric and Guidelines are attached. Needs to be of 2 complete pages BEFORE the title page and reference sheet
To read Martin Textbook (listed in instructions) go to and the login is and the password is Sm204656*


Influences of Greco-Roman Architecture: A Comparative Analysis

Required Resources
Read/review the following resources for this activity:
Textbook: Chapter 6
Lesson 2
Minimum of 1 scholarly source (in addition to the textbook)
Initial Post Instructions
This week you will read about architecture. The lesson includes information on Roman architecture, which was greatly influenced by the Greeks and Etruscans.
Locate at least two architectural works that were influenced by Greco-Roman architecture. These can be from any time period after the Greco-Roman period but should be from different periods themselves (e.g., one from Renaissance and one from Baroque). Then address the following:
What is the function of each structure?
How does each work exhibit influence of the Greco-Roman period? Is the influence specifically Greek, Etruscan, or Roman – or a combination?
How would you compare the two selected works? Take the role of the evaluative critic.
Use examples from the text, the lesson, and the library to help support your answer. Please remember to provide images and citations to help illustrate your points.
Follow-Up Post Instructions
Respond to at least one peer. Further the dialogue by providing more information and clarification.
Writing Requirements
Minimum of 2 posts (1 initial & 1 follow-up)
Minimum of 2 sources cited (assigned readings/online lessons and an outside source)
APA format for in-text citations and list of references
This activity will be graded using the Discussion Grading Rubric. Please review the following link:
Link (webpage): Discussion Guidelines
Course Outcomes
CO 1: Identify the content, forms, and/or techniques of work of art (e.g., architecture, fine art, literature, and/or drama).
CO 2: Analyze the content, forms, and/or techniques of a work of art (e.g., architecture, fine art, literature, and/or drama).
CO 3: Explain the historical/cultural/social context in which a work was created.
CO 4: Classify works of art using different approaches (by discipline, genre, style, period, etc.) in order to contextualize the works and relate them to a variety of influences.


Title: The Meltzer-Richard Model: Exploring the Interplay between Democracy, Political Inequality, Economic Inequality, and Redistribution with a Case Study of Brazil

Consider the Meltzer-Richard Model and discuss the relation between democracy, political inequality, economic inequality, and redistribution. What are the limitations of this model? Use ONE country case study listed in the course syllabus to illustrate your argument.


Title: Summary of Balc Chapter 10 and 11 Video/Podcast

Each question in the summary template must be answered in a complete paragraph (4-5 sentences) and contain enough detail to ensure the professor that the video was watched but should not be verbatim and should exclude issues unrelated to the course material
Please answer the questions below in a narrative form. Each answer should be a complete paragraph. What was the main point of the video/podcast?
Provide 2 major points discussed and describe those points.
What did you learn from the video/podcast? Use this link for more info on these chapters: Chapter 10:
chapter 11:


Title: “The Influence of Literature and Myth on Grant Wood’s ‘Midnight Ride of Paul Revere'”

Textbook: Chapter 7, 8
Minimum of 1 scholarly source (in addition to the textbook – for historical/political influences)
Option 2: Examine a specific artwork influenced by a literary work and how the artist captured the subject or story. Discuss how the art piece reflects themes that defined the literary movement. Here are a few examples, but you are not restricted to this list:  please include picture 
Gian Lorenzo Bernini’s Apollo and Daphne or The Rape of Prosperina (influenced by ancient myths)
B. Choose an ART Work – Discuss literary story or myth that influenced it.
Your second option would be to find an art work that has an influence from literature / myth. An example would be  (it happens to be on the same literary topi
“Midnight Ride of Paul Revere” – Grant Wood 1939 – c. Fair Use
Arthur Hoppock Hearn Fund, 1950
So, to complete the 2nd Option, you would then discuss the painting and the biography of the artist Grant Wood, including perhaps his style, and discussing what is IN the painting, what you observe and see, and the relationship of the imagery in the painting to the actual history of the ride that Paul Revere took. You could also do as you did in Option A above, and look for historical information on Paul Revere. 
These are two ways that you can fulfill this week’s Discussion assignment – it DOES INCLUDE looking for literature, finding out about history, politics, the biography of the writer, and ALSO looking if you do Option B for an art work such as a painting or sculpture, that is related to literature or myth.
O 1: Identify the content, forms, and/or techniques of work of art (e.g., architecture, fine art, literature, and/or drama).
CO 2: Analyze the content, forms, and/or techniques of a work of art (e.g., architecture, fine art, literature, and/or drama). 
CO 3: Explain the historical/cultural/social context in which a work was created.
CO 4: Classify works of art using different approaches (by discipline, genre, style, period, etc.) in order to contextualize the works and relate them to a variety of influences.   
you would then discuss the painting and the biography of the artist Grant Wood, including perhaps his style, and discussing what is IN the painting, what you observe and see, 


Practice Exercises on Pages 14-15, 18-19, and 35-37 Title: Practice Exercises on Financial Statements and Ratios

Please See the Attached file to see the questions complete the practice exercises on pages 14-15 (Parts C and D) and pages 18-19 (Parts A and B). complete the practice exercises on pages 35-37 (Parts A-D)


“Colliding Philosophies: Paul and Augustine’s Journeys of Faith and Reason”

Both Paul and Augustine experience literal and figurative journeys in their respective stories. Over the course of these travels they are exposed to ideas that challenge their previously held beliefs. Do they respond in similar ways? Do their ideas or frameworks for understanding the world help one or both of them reconcile what they thought they knew with their newfound truths? This prompt is about philosophical systems interacting with the human world. You need to combine an argument as to how both Paul’s and Augustine’s philosophical frameworks collide, contradict and/or coexist with their lived experiences. Be specific in both the philosophical approaches and lived experiences sections of your essay. Remember to include a counterargument in your essay. Finally, there needs to be something that links the two people throughout the essay. This isn’t an apples to oranges comparison as their are multiple points of comparison between the two people. You should clearly highlight those for the reader and make them part of your argument.


Title: Rationalists vs. Empiricists: A Debate on the Realistic View of Life and Humanity

These are the instructions and format for the assignment. Please follow this when doing the assignment. There are attached files for clearer and further information.
Your argumentative statement is “rationalists have a more realistic view of life and what it means to be human than empiricist.” PART I: PRESENT THE ARGUMENT
Write out your argument in paragraph form, like a normal person would, using standard rules of grammar, syntax, etc.
Analyze your argument as follows:
· Put in parentheses words/phrases that conjoin reasons (premises) and target (conclusion).
· Underline the target (conclusion).
· Put in square brackets each proposition that expresses a reason (premise).
· Number the propositions expressing the reasons (premises) and the target (conclusion).
Provide justification for any of the premises that require it. For clarity’s sake, be sure to match the justification to the number assigned to the desired premise in Part II
Now, write out the argument in point form (“argument form”) making sure to draw a line between the premises and the conclusion.
Diagram the argument as shown in class.
Indicate whether your argument is deductive or inductive.
Finally, repeat these steps for any further arguments you are making.