Integration and Analysis - Accounting

“The Enron Scandal: An Analysis of Ethical Failures and the Need for Corporate Reform”

Each student is expected to read the book and each student is required to prepare a seven page Book Report. The Book Report should outline briefly the major aspects of the Enron scandal, the key factors leading to it happening, who was responsible (limit yourself to, at most, four or five key participants), the corporate environment and what steps should be taken to avoid a recurrence in the future. I aminterested in the accounting/auditing aspects or failures in this particular
case. Your report must contain at least one page devoted to the ethical
shortcomings of the participants that led to the disaster.
Repetition of materials from the book will be given very little weight in
assigning marks and should be avoided (we have read the book). The
essence of your report must come from the book and not from any other
sources. The film The Smartest Guys in the Room is not a very good
depiction of what happened. You will be evaluated on how well you
understood and analysed the implications as outlined in the book.
The format is eleven-point Calibri font, one inch margins all the way around,
space and a half and a title page which does not count as part of the page
count. Citations of references to the book, Conspiracy of Fools, is not required.
PLEASE NOTE: Please ensure you have access to the book Conspiracy of Fools by Kurt Eichenwald. Also note the assignment details say 7 pages double spaced however the instruction is actually to do 7 pages with 1.5 spacing. 1.5 spacing was not an option on the site hence why I selected double, but please note that it needs to be 7 pages at 1.5 spacing.