Integrity in Society Reflection Paper

Title: The Impact of Integrity (Reflection on the eBay Security & Resiliency Department Scandal) Integrity is a fundamental value that is crucial for the functioning of any society. It encompasses honesty, trustworthiness, and moral principles that

Integrity in Society Reflection Paper 
We have reviewed the importance of academic integrity within Penn State University and explored how integrity extends to careers after college. Integrity also extends to society as a whole.  One only needs to follow the news to find examples of people not acting with integrity to consider the effect their behavior can have on society. If you are unable to access these articles, please reach out.  Students have free access to NYT and WSJ through the Student News Readership ProgramLinks to an external site.. 
eBay Security & Resiliency department scandal: to an external site.
An author loses book deal due to plagiarism to an external site.
College admissions scandal: to an external site.
Facebook knows Instagram is Toxic for Teen Girls: to an external site.
Please select one of these articles to read.  Include answers to the following questions and give clear examples from the article in your reflection paper. 500 word minimum (2 pages double-spaces, 12 point font and 1 inch margins). A college level essay is expected  (introduction/body paragraphs/conclusion -not answers listed by question). 
Who didn’t act with integrity?
What was the behavior?
How did their behavior affect others?
How does their behavior affect society as a whole?
What are the lessons learned from this example?
How do the lessons learned connect to your own life and future career?