intro to christian ethics

Title: Exploring Temptation and Human Weakness in “The Screwtape Letters” by C.S. Lewis

Please read Part 2 of The Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis (pp. 105-175)
Please use the attached discussion questions (click  CEunit4act5qsSU24.doc CEunit4act5qsSU24.doc – Alternative Formats ) as a guide for your reading.  Please answer any two questions in your post.  Also, please discuss what you liked best about the book.

intro to christian ethics

Title: Reflection on Rosenstand’s “Possessing the Secret of Joy”

Please read Rosenstand, 101-131 and 142-144 (“Possessing the Secret of Joy”)
Take notes for yourself on each of the discussion questions. Choose 2 questions regarding the Rosenstand reading to respond to in the forum (Unit 2: Activity 1) on our discussion board (click title link above).

intro to christian ethics

Exploring the Philosophies of Plato and Aristotle

Please read Rosenstand, pp. 37-51, 71-78, 79-83 (excerpt from Plato’s Republic), and 84-85 (excerpt from Aristotle’s Poetics).  Please use the attached handout to take notes for yourself on each of the questions.  Please choose two questions from the handout to respond to in the discussion forum by Thursday, 5/23, at 11:59pm CST.  Please return to the forum by the end of our course week (5/27) to respond to at least one classmate’s post.