intro to christian theology

Title: Exploring Augustine’s Teachings and Day’s Reflections on Christianity through “Confession”

1. What did Augustine teach you about Christianity? What questions do you still have about his life?
2. How does Day mimic Augustine in her brief intro to The Long Loneliness entitled “Confession” (9-12)?
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intro to christian theology

“The Role of the Holy Spirit in the Dynamic Understanding of Creation and Redemption”

In the Proslogion of Anselm of Canterbury (12th century CE), he claims that theology is “faith seeking understanding”. In reading the dynamic way that human faith understands creation as beginning the “work” of God and Jesus “completing” it through his life, ministry, death, and resurrection, how do Christians understand the role of the Spirit today?

intro to christian theology

Exploring the Importance of Studying Christian Theology: My Personal Journey and the Need for Media Awareness

Why are you studying Christian theology? This question may seem obvious to you, but is it really? What is your background in the study of religion and what influences have shaped you into the person you are today? These comprise many of the predispositions that you have, and we as a class learn from all of them, including myself. Please answer these questions in a response of at least ~500-550 words.