intro to clinical psychology

The Relevance of Cultural Competency in Clinical Psychology for African Americans: A Critical Analysis

In your paper, you should take a stand or position on an issue or topic confronting
clinical psychologists and the field in general. More specifically, your topic or issue
must address how the topic is relevant to African descent people. You must make the
case that the issue or topic you are discussing is indeed relevant to African Americans
and that there are implications for this population. Once you take your position, you
must then incorporate supporting literature to substantiate the position you have. The
question of culture and race must be included in your analysis of the topic. Be sure that
the two peer reviewed articles you choose to help you layout the issue and support (or
oppose) your position are included in your paper. Remember, this is a scholarly
thought/reflection paper, which means your thoughts and analysis should be connected to
the scholarly literature present in the field of clinical psychology.
While your topic may be general and reflect some issue that has been discussed in the
field of clinical psychology, you should make every effort to draw on information
discussed in the Akbar and Fu-Kiau texts. This is an important perspective that is often
left out of the discussion in mainstream psychology, which should not be left out of your

intro to clinical psychology

“Exploring the Relevance and Impact of African-Centered Perspectives in Clinical Psychology: A Critical Analysis”

While your topic may be general and reflect some issue that has been discussed in the field of clinical psychology, you should make every effort to draw on information discussed in the Akbar and Fu-Kiau texts. This is an important perspective that is often left out of the discussion in mainstream psychology, which should not be left out of your paper.
Your thoughtful reflections should be presented in about 4 to 5 typed, double-spaced pages. The paper should be no more than 6 pages. Be sure you turn in the 2 full-text articles you pulled from in your paper. Remember, you should be sure you check with me if you are not certain that your journal articles are from major peer-review journals.
NOTE: Each of the articles must be read by you in an effort to substantiate the position that you take. You should incorporate the findings from each article into your paper, which means that your articles should be short (between 4 and 10 pages). Papers should be written according to APA guidelines/format (see APA Publication Manual, 71 Ed).
Your paper must be submitted in Turn-it-in via Canvas and cannot be above a 15% match. Turn-it-in will provide you feedback on the match percentage of your paper.
Some helpful websites to aid you in correct citation are:
2. strategy/citing/apa.html#apa
Students who have written ‘A’ papers for this assignment have, in the past, answered the questions below in an effort to enhance their critical analysis of the discussion in this paper. As you are writing your discussion, ask yourself the following questions:
1) What is your position on the issue (s) -give your opinion and the reasons for the stand you are taking. State it clearly for maximum points (see rubric below).
2) Has the reading/discussion changed your thinking or reaffirmed previously held opinions?
3) What support do you have from the literature to substantiate the position you are taking?
4) What implications do you feel the issue you have chosen to write will have (or already have) for African Americans in particular, and clinical psychology or society at large in general?
Clearly identified an issue in Clinical Psychology and took a position/stance early in the paper.
Address why the issue is relevant to African descent people.
Incorporate supporting literature.
Provided thoughts, analysis and personal reflections on the issue that were connected to the scholarly literature chosen.
Full-text articles submitted in Canvas, proper APA formatting, including references page, properly cited direct quotes, appropriate citations of information incorporated from chosen articles, etc…
Grammar, punctuation, and structure/organization (use of section headings assists with structure and organization).