Intro to global health

“Progress Towards Sustainable Development Goal in [Country]: A Visual Representation”

Here you will visit the Sustainable Development Goals (Links to an external site) and choose a sustainable development goal (SDG) that you will cover for each assignment (you can select different goals throughout the semester but you CANNOT select the same country)! Then, select any country in the UN and create an infographic about the country and its progress toward achieving the SDG you selected.  Submit a DOWNLOADABLE file, PDF, jpeg, etc. for grading. Do NOT submit a link, it will NOT be graded. It is your responsibility to make sure you correctly uploaded your assignment, that it’s the correct assignment, viewable, and submitted by the deadline. 
Some things to review and add to your infographic are:
How is the SDG implemented? Show me the numbers!
How is the SDG monitored? Show me the numbers!
What are the health issues associated with this SDG? Show me the numbers!
How many are affected by this health issue, SDG, etc? Show me the numbers!
How much money is allocated for this SDG? Show me the numbers!
Is the country on track for attaining the SDG? Show me the numbers!
What resources (government agencies, private organizations, non-profit organizations, etc.) are allocated to the attainment of the SDG? 
Is this SDG a priority for the country?
What are the statistics, and numbers, that represent this SDG? 
This is NOT an exhaustive list but is meant to help you address important information.
How to create an infographic. There are many free infographic templates and software, Canva (Links to an external site.) is a great option. Infographics are graphic visual representations of information, data, or knowledge intended to present information quickly and clearly. They can improve cognition by utilizing graphics to enhance the human visual system’s ability to see patterns and trends. This graphic should be in-depth enough that your peers learn about the SDG and your country, the graphics should be how you present the information, NOT stock images. Tables, charts, percentages, etc. should be how you present the data, NOT sentences, paragraphs, etc. Get creative and have fun with this assignment!