Introducing Biblical Literature Bibl -

“Comparing Creation Stories: Analyzing Genesis 1:1-2:4a and 2:4b-25”

Compare the two creation stories (Gen 1:1-2:4a and Gen 2:4b-25). The assignment is to be completed in 4 stages: Stage 2 of 4
Read carefully the second creation story and fill out the worksheet “What’s Happening in Genesis 2:4b-25?” 

Introducing Biblical Literature Bibl -

Title: “Comparing Two Creation Stories: Genesis 1 and Genesis 2”

Compare the two creation stories (Gen 1:1-2:4a and Gen 2:4b-25). The assignment is to be completed in 4 stages: Stage 3of4
Compare the two creation accounts by filling out the worksheet “Comparing Genesis 1 to Genesis 2.”

Introducing Biblical Literature Bibl -

“Reflections on Jesus’ Teachings: An Annotated Reading of Some of What Jesus Said”

Read the selected exit in its entirety then annotate on a minimum of three things that stuck you in some ways perhaps something that you resonate with disagree with or have question about for each of these three things right before sentence paragraph reflecting on it and how it minutes to the weeks module
Some of What Jesus Said
At the end of this session, students should be able to:
Identify the main themes in the Sermon on the Mount.
Interpret and explain two of the parables of Jesus (The Lost Son and The Good Samaritan)

Introducing Biblical Literature Bibl -

“Comparing the Resurrection Stories in the Gospels: A Comparative Analysis”

Compare the Resurrection Stories of the Gospels using the attached worksheet.
resurrection accounts work sheet.pdf
(28.63 KB)

Introducing Biblical Literature Bibl -

Title: Annotating Excerpts and Reflecting on Module Themes 1. “The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance.” – Alan Watts This quote reson

Read the selected excerpt .in its entirety then annotate on a minimum of three that stuck in some ways- perhaps something that you resonate with ,disagree with or have question about for each of those three things write 4-5sentence paragraph reflecting on it and how it relates to the module

Introducing Biblical Literature Bibl -

Title: Annotating an Excerpt and Reflecting on its Connection to Module Themes Annotation 1: “The young girl looked at him with a mixture of fear and curiosity, her large brown eyes wide and unblinking.” Reflection:

Read the selected excerpt in its entirety, then annotate on a minimum of three things that stuck you in some ways, perhaps something that you resonate with, disagree with or have question about. for each of these three things write 4 to 5 sentence paragraph reflecting on it and how it minutes to the weeks module