Introduction to Public Policy Analysis

Title: Interest Groups and Policy Advocacy

Week 5 Discussion – Interest Groups
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Read the article, Interest Group Activity and Government Growth: A Causality Analysis, to prepare for the discussion.
Search the Internet for interest groups on an issue of importance to you. Be prepared to discuss.
Note: One way to make sure you get interest groups is to ask Google to search only sites that end in org. For example, if you were interested in endangered species, you would enter into Google this search: endangered species site: .org.
Using your research from the Discussion Preparation, briefly explain your findings of the following:
The number of groups you found.
The amount of their power and influence.
Your overall impressions of the research.
Imagine you belong to an interest group that advocates for a particular policy you care about. Using the resources provided in the previous Discussion Preparation, recommend the best venue for seeking attention to your policy issues, and state your reasons for your selection.