Lack of Sleep

“Sleepless Nights: The Impact of Sleep Deprivation on University Students”

Description: 8-10 pages, plus a separate MLA-formatted Annotated Bibliography page
Sources: At least 8 peer-reviewed secondary sources
Choose an idea, social issue, or concern related to our course conversations. Design a question about this issue or idea. Use this question to explore the larger significance of an issue, figure, or phenomenon within this topic. Bring in sources from your own research, as well as ideas from our course readings, to develop a conversation about the implications of the issue.
The essay should include:
An introduction that reflects:
– A clear and compelling portrait of an issue, phenomenon, or figure.
– A demonstration of the problem’s scope and relevance to current scholarship.
– A thesis statement that states an analysis-based claim
Body paragraphs that:
– Use sources as lenses to examine the issue at hand.
– Present both supporting and complicating information through the supplied research.
– Develop a scholarly conversation, grouping sources and allowing the sources to speak to one another.
– Use subheadings, if useful, to demonstrate to the reader how the paragraphs of the essay are structured around major ideas.
A conclusion that:
– Reflects on the research presented
– Provides a clear “so what” to the information presented.
My topic I chose was lack of sleep, where in the essay I want it to specifically relate to students in university. Make it sound like a university student wrote it, but not extremely formal.