Language in Science and Religion

“The Role of Language in Religion and Science: A Comparative Analysis of Student Perspectives”

“Write about what you and two other students in our class said about how language works in religion and science. Use all of your essays and the essays of these two other students. Also use all the texts assigned in class.
In this essay, I’d like to hear clearly from you how you understand how language works in reliigion and science. Of course, you don’t have to cover the whole subject. Rather, pick aspects of religion and science that are important to you, and write about those aspects, saying how other students in this class understood those aspects. In instances where you may have disputed claims made in class, do engage those instances. You may be in position to distinguish what religion means to you as contrasted with what it meant to other class members. Do the same thing for science. What does the language of science say to you, as distinguished from what it said to others who read the same works, were present at the same discussions, and wrote essays similar to those you wrote. An important thing to remember is that one of our principal emphases was that the language found in religion and science was a central focus in this course. (Your previous tries at this essay did not recognize this emphasis.)
Do remember to be careful about how you cite from the work other students and from the texts used in our course. So in citing essays. Here is a form that is good for citing essays: “Pirzada, essay 7, page 2.” Use this form for all the essays. For the texts we used in this course, please be sure that when I click on any electronic source, the book appears with its appropriate page numbers. You must not cite any electronic source that has only parts of the texts we used. Hopefully you own some of the texts as books. Please let me know which of these texts you own.”
The essay I initially wrote is the one with Sarah Pirzada on the top left corner. I need a 10 page paper that reflects the prompt given above including the critiques mentioned above. The other papers I attached were written by other students in the class. Use those papers to do what he said to do please. Use sources that other students and I used please. You can also use sources that are mentioned in the syllabus for the class I attached. Feel free to reach out with any questions!