
Title: “Developing Good Governance, Supporting the Role of the Educational Leader, and Evaluating Leadership Skills in Early Childhood Education and Care”

Assessment 2 Part 4 – PLN
As an emerging early childhood leader, share an experience of good governance with your colleagues to consolidate your developing skills and knowledge.
When considering the service philosophy, address how you will lead a development review.
Assessment 2 Part 5 – PLN
As a leader how will you support the role of the educational leader?
Assessment 2 Part 6 – PLN
• Write a critical evaluation of your leadership skills. Identify your strengths and any challenges. How do you intend to address the challenges?
these are the three questions that need to be answered in each 260-word Also it should relate to ECEC ONLY AND THE READING TOO AND MAKE SURE THE WRITING INTEXT REFERENCED. SHOULD BE APA7 referencing.