
“Leadership Values: Impact of a Good Leader and One in Need of Improvement” “The Power of Values in the Workplace: Reflection and Future Action”

Respond to CF
The following are my most important values I seek to model as a leader. These are listed in order of importance to me, the first one list is the most important.
Impact of Leadership Values, A Good Leader
The person I chose to select as a good leader is my current boss. He has been with the company for seven years and has taken on multiple important projects with links to the future expansion of our network of warehouses.
The values they ‘Modeled the Way’ included:
Many of the values that I see from my boss are values that I view as very important and want to model as a leader. We have an overlap of my top five values, which are Communication, Determination, Respects, Honesty, and Teamwork.
Communication is the top value that I value and that is one value that he walks the walk every time there is something that need to be communicated to the team. This allows me and the other members of the team to always have the critical information needed to continue with our projects without having to redo our work because of missing information. Another thing that has led to personal growth is the fact he respects my decision-making ability when it come to certain aspects of the projects we have worked on together. This has helped me and other co-workers to gain more confidence in our decision making and making better use of the information we have at our disposal. Since both of these values were aligned with my values, it allowed me to perform better since I knew that all of the important information has been distributed and then this allowed me to focus on my portion of the project without having to second guess whether I have everything to succeed. Obviously, information can change but the changes were told to us in a quick manner.
My boss has personally helped me grow as a leader. He has an open-door policy that if I have any questions or ideas, he will listen and help me through all the questions I have. He has also helped me learn how to communicate better within a group and share my message instead of “parroting” other peoples’ thoughts that we truly not mine. He also has helped me create my own unique working style and have support while developing into a good leadership style. The honesty that he has given me has helped shape who I am as a leader now and will only help into the future as I hopefully grow within the company. Also, he has opened my eyes on some values that I believe I am weak in but this has allowed me to learn how to use these values in a more practical sense and apply them in my own unique style.
Impact of Leadership Values, A Leader Who ‘Needs Improvement’
One instance that I have had a leader that I regarded as someone who needed improvement was a former production supervisor that I worked with at a previous job. I often would have to work with this individual anytime we had a very large contract we had to produce products for. He was always the leader that was in charge of everything until the contract is completed.
The values they ‘Modeled the Way’ included:
Task Focus
After review of these values, I do overlap with some of the values like competitive and productivity, which are not in my top values, but other than those there is very little overlap in any of the value that the supervisor and myself had in common.
Since we were not aligned in many of our values, there was issues in our working relationship daily. Many times, I would offer solutions that were out of the way the process was done before and it was met with pushback since it was “ not the way we’ve done it in the past”. This hindered my performance since I was forced to follow a procedure that was inefficient since it was how the process was done historically. This also made me constantly question my decision making since I was often meet with the feeling, I was wrong. Also, there was feeling that any of the team members contributions were not truly appreciated .To complete the project, I just conformed with what I was told to do and went against many of my values. Looking back on the situation, I wish I would have taken steps to back up my values such as innovation and communication to express why my thoughts may have helped with the production process. I also should have looked at it come an others person’s view and could have respected their decisions more.
The Role of Values and My Future Workplace Action
As I reflect on my values I have, I believe that they will help me advance in my professional career. One of the biggest ones I think is communication. With the world becoming smaller with the technical advancements happening, communication is going to be key in advancing not only products but also your ideas. Hopefully in time my communication becomes more polished, and I can communicate in a clearer view so any team I lead understands what is expected of them and what the goals are. Along with this, respect with allow all of opinions to be heard and allow new ideas to be heard. This would tie into innovation since I believe in challenging current process in order to grow. An issue I do foresee with one of my values is my determination. I can foresee my determination will lead me to try and solve a problem that may be unsolvable and cause me to focus more the issue rather than spend my time on a more productive venture.


“Adapting Management and Leadership Theories for Leading and Motivating Virtual Teams during Times of Change”

Leadership and Management Assignment
2.1.1 Discussion of Management & leadership theories under leading and managing virtual teams
2.2.1 Discuss Management & leadership theories under motivating employees during the time of unprecedented change 
Mbwa dont bid this assignment


Title: Leader Analysis Paper #1: Examining the Leadership Competencies of [Leader’s Name]

During this course, you will have the opportunity to select a leader to analyze in terms of each addressed topic.  In order to do so, you will need to identify a leader for which there is substantial research information about his or her leadership style, traits, and behaviors to conduct a review and analysis of his or her leadership competencies. This leader will be the subject of your four leadership papers during this class,
On Units 3, 6, 9, and 13 you will be asked to respond to various questions about your particular leader and draw correlations between your leader and what you have learned.  For this week’s paper (Leader Analysis Paper #1) you will focus on how your leader did (or did not) display aspects of Fundamentals of Leadership (Unit 1), Emotional Intelligence (Unit 2), and Effective Thinking (Unit 3). You will need to cite your conclusions with references from the week’s reading material.  
For Leader Analysis Paper #1, please submit a 4-5 page (minimum) double-spaced paper that details the following:
1.  Who is your leader and what leadership role/s has this person had?
2.  What is your interest in this leader?  Why do you want to choose this person?
3.  What preliminary comprehensive sources have you found to support your weekly research?  In other words, do you have sufficient materials and references to continue to assess and analyze this person and his/her leadership style, traits and behaviors throughout this course?
4.  Application, citations and references to Units 1, 2, and 3 reading materials. Specifically, how did your leader display (or not display) aspects of Fundamentals of Leadership (Unit 1), Emotional Intelligence (Unit 2), and Effective Thinking (Unit 3).
Do not include the questions! Use the leadership #1 template (below the assignment) to guide your content development and ensure consistent APA format.


“Corruption in Local Government: Undermining Good Governance and Stagnating Service Delivery in South Africa”

Imagine you are employed as a researcher at the South African National Planning
Commission (NPC). The senior researcher has requested that you compile a
discussion paper critically evaluating how corruption undermines good governance
and stagnates service delivery, mainly focusing on the local government sphere.
The discussion paper must:
• discuss the impact on governance,
• discuss the challenges that corruption poses for local governments,
• critically evaluate how corruption in local governments stagnates service
• provide examples from a community of your choice that display the effects of
corruption on service delivery.
This discussion paper will be presented to the office of commissioners at the NPC
to inform future development of new preventive strategies to alleviate corruption in
South Africa.  


Title: “Building a Successful Southwest Transit Marketing Team: Strategies for Leadership, Motivation, and Collaboration”

In Topic 4, selections for the Southwest Transit marketing team were made, and now your job is to present the recommendation to your director. Surprisingly though, a directive is issued informing management that only four people will be able to staff the team, which will of course increase the pressure finalizing the selection.
Consider the vision for a successful Southwest Transit marketing team composed in Topic 4. Narrow down the team selection to four individuals for presentation to the director. Decide which strategies will be most effective for leading the agreed-upon team. Compose a PowerPoint presentation (10-12 slides), then record your 5-7-minute presentation using YouTube Video, Loom, or Zoom. On the title slide of your PowerPoint presentation, provide the link to your YouTube, Loom, or Zoom video recording that you created. Your presentation should address the following:
Who are the four team members, and what was the primary reason each person was selected? How difficult was it to come to a decision regarding team selection? Which potential team member was most difficult to come to a consensus about? Why?
What are the primary strengths of the team? What are its potential weaknesses? How positive is the management team about the team’s potential? Justify your answers with evidence from ” Southwest Transit Team Member Profiles.”
What strategies will be most effective for motivating the team, managing conflict, ensuring success, and fostering collaboration? Cite specific motivational theories, conflict-resolution strategies, and leadership strategies in your answer.
Justify how the selected team embodies the values of conscious capitalism and how the tenet of stakeholder orientation played a role in the team selection process. Provide citations to strengthen your claims.
Describe how value is created for each stakeholder, and in what ways will the team positively impact the business as a whole?
You are required to use at least three academic references to strengthen and support your claims and recommendations. Ensure each content slide has supporting citations and specific examples.
While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and in-text citations and references should be presented using APA documentation guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
Benchmark Information
This benchmark assignment assesses the following programmatic competency:
MSL, Homeland Security and Emergency Management
2.2: Evaluate Strategies for effectively leading teams and fostering collaboration.
**You MUST use speaker notes in your PPT. This is where the body of your essay should be with the slides used for bullet points that highlight the content from the speaker notes. Also, you MUST record a 5–10-minute presentation using Zoom, Loom, or YouTube. A word of caution, if you do not use speaker notes and in-text citations from scholarly sources then you will earn no more than satisfactory for that section of the rubric. 
**This presentation requires a minimum of three academic sources to be cited (do not use Google to find resources, you must use the textbook and two academic sources from the course resources or GCU library or Google Scholar from the past five years). If you use AI technology like ChatGTP you must cite it as a source, but it is not a scholarly source so you must still cite scholarly research. Keep in mind that tools like ChatGTP can be helpful but you must present your own original work.  
***Total of 12 slides already created only need to add information. Minimum of 100 Words per body slide (9 body slides).  


“Vision and Effective Communication: Essential Components of Successful Leadership”

Vision and effective communication skills are essential parts of effective leadership. Write a paper on this issue.
1. Discuss your concept of vision and why you think it is important.
2. Discuss reason(s) why communication is important in the creation of a vision and working toward its reality.
Read and review articles provided in the Module 3, and also draw insights from concepts in Covey (1991) about shared vision and communication that serve to support your positions. Use a minimum of five data sources identified in scholarly journals and leadership literature; and present a developed argument, with at least four reasons why communication is important in the creation of a vision and working towards its reality.

Vision and Approaches to Communication   
As you watch this video, consider communication messages. Likewise, think about what attracts people to communicators and their communication messages. 


“Discipling a Busy College Graduate: A Case Study in Spiritual Formation and Discipleship”

( Turabian citation) 
Case Study #1 – After a church service, one of the recent college graduates approaches you and asks if you would meet regularly for discipleship. The college grad is in the process of making an application to medical school and taking graduate classes to prepare for taking medical school entrance exams. Assuming you agree, how would you prepare for this regular meeting? What would you cover in your routine meetings?
Discussion Board Rubric
Content: The post is well constructed with material from textbook reading, biblical studies, and spiritual formation and discipleship theology.
Analysis: The post exhibits critical thinking and discernment of the core issues in the case study.
Research: The post cites a relevant journal article.
Application: The post considers wise doable action steps.
Format: The post is well-written and is free of spelling and grammatical errors.


“The Impact of Traditional Practices in Papua New Guinea on Student Learning in Schools”

TITLE: pratcingcult in PNGaffectsstudentslearninginschool.
Please write me a essay for the title above.
Introduction:Overview of the task, overview of the problem, purpose of this task.
Choice of problem:Authentic/realistic, contemporary, status exiting policy and best practices, problem exiting policy and best practices.
Supporting data and evidence presentation:order chronological/severity, research vs myth, illustrative.
Evidence of research: sources searched, sources acknowledged.
Conclusion summative: visible.


Developing a Leadership Training Plan for Organizational Success Introduction Leadership is a crucial aspect of any organization as it sets the tone for the vision, direction, and culture of the company. Effective leadership can lead to increased motivation, productivity, and diversity

Unit VII Assignment
Developinga LeadershipTrainingPlan. In this paper you will propose a 
leadership training plan for your current or a future organization that will address the 
Present a brief description of the different types of leadership theories and their significance for leadership training (Unit
Present a brief description of charismatic and transformational leadership, and identify the attributes that can contribute
to one’s leadership skills (Unit II). 
Identify ways in which leadership can increase motivation, morale, and diversity in the workplace (Unit III, Unit IV). 
Share how the situational leadership model and the normative decision model can impact leadership effectiveness (Unit
Provide steps to assist leaders with facilitating change (Unit VI, Unit VII, Unit VIII). 
Conclude with the benefits of having a leadership Training plan for your organization. 
Your completed leadership training plan should be at least seven pages in length. The title page or reference pages do not
count toward this requirement. You may utilize charts, data, tables, and other visuals as needed, but this is not a
requirement and does not count towards the page length.
You must use at least five peer-reviewed or scholarly sources to support the concepts for your paper, three of which must
come from the CSU Online Library. Your textbook can be a resource. All sources used must have in-text citations and
references, and your paper must be properly formatted in APA Style.   


Title: Management Consulting Assessment and Future Action Plan for XYZ Company

Provide a professional
assessment of the situation (e.g., reviewing external/internal environmental
factors, providing situational analysis, etc.) as if you were an invited management
2. Formulate at least 3 future action
points to get the best possible outcome from the situation, focusing on
specific measures, benefits, and risks associated with the plan you propose.
Please find the case study. and instructions of the paper attached.